So my daughter noticed CO and asked me about it since we play City of Heroes and she loves it. I told her I played it back in the day and that we could try it out. Logged in with my account info and it went right into the game and I saw my old chars who havnt been played for like 8 years haha. The problem is, when we made her account and all the info in it, we can log into the website and see all the info there, but it will not let her log into the game at all and says basically the user name/password is wrong. Then I tried doing my wife's old account and same thing. For my 3rd try, I tried another account that I had back in the day(ya im a dirty dual boxer back then) and that wont work either. Is there something that im not doing right with these 3 accounts? My main one is issues at all, but these other 3 are just driving me crazy. Does it take them awhile to approve new or old accounts? Also, we have redone all the passwords and such, that we know for sure they are correct for the accounts. If so, why does my main one work then? Sigh. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks!