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Turn Westside's prison into a social/RP zone

historiphilehistoriphile Posts: 97 Arc User
Just as the subject line says - I'd like to request the Westside prison as a social zone.

The map exists in a mission (or missions?). I and a number of other RPers agree we can get a lot of RP mileage out of it. I'll try to encourage them all to post their support on this thread.


  • edited June 2024
    I would love to have a social prison area for my characters to have interactions with incarcerated villains and others. I would get a lot of use out of that in RP. It's a pretty iconic setting for heroes and villains to interact.
  • That would definitely be a really cool social zone! Adds a little more variety compared to what are mostly bars and clubs, too. It would even be fun to see a few supervillains in there, whether pre-existing ones we've seen or just randomly generated. I think it would make the world feel more alive, in a sense. Like the NPC heroes and players are doing their part to lock people away. Regardless, I really do like the idea of a social zone that's a prison/jail.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,232 Arc User
    They could resuse the Resistance Adventure Pack PRISON for social instance in westside too!
    The map is bigger and has more rooms
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • heartstringsk3heartstringsk3 Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited June 2024
    That'd be fun! Maybe even some cell doors you can open and close, though maybe that's a bit much. But yeah, the smaller Westside map would be good, if you could manage the Resistance map that'd be awesome but maybe it's a bit too big to mess with? It'd definitely be useful for RP, screenshots, maybe you could throw a Nemesis contact in there as an alternate place to work on Nemeses.
  • checkmate9296checkmate9296 Posts: 1 Arc User
    This would be great!! I like a lot of the suggestions people have put forward here, but even as a simple social zone with little change from the mission would be fantastic. There are so many possibilities for using the prison, because it's so different from all the other social zones we have in the game.
  • eladrielleladriell Posts: 3 Arc User
    Hard to see why it should be done when every other "social" zone such as the many bars, gym or old training places see 0 players. This just feels like it would be the "in-thing" for a small groups stories for about 1 month then become dead again. Revitalising underused areas is far more sensible.

    Then again, perhaps if it needed very little work to impliment then it wouldn't hurt, but anything more than an hour spent on it would be wasted time when there is so much that needs fixed.
  • I want to go to prison
  • historiphilehistoriphile Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited June 2024
    eladriell wrote: »
    Hard to see why it should be done when every other "social" zone such as the many bars, gym or old training places see 0 players.

    '0' is definitely an exaggeration, because I find myself using new spaces here and there, just maybe not every single day. I agree, the social zones outside of Caprice are underused. But that leads me to my next point

    Most of the social zones added in the last 2-3 years were bars. Club Caprice is, for all who complain about it, serving its function as a bar just fine. Now you have Caprice, Minefield, Sherrerra's, Leo's, the Vampire bar, the werewolf bar, that bar at Project Clockwork... CO has an embarrassment of bars. Are most of them empty? Yeah. Too much supply for the demand. It's only logical people gravitate toward the one that is consistently populated.

    We should have more zones that a) aren't bars, b) aren't places we already have, and c) are places that reflect the superhero genre. Jails/prisons seem to come up in the genre a lot.
    eladriell wrote: »
    Then again, perhaps if it needed very little work to impliment then it wouldn't hurt

    Word in past from Kaiserin was that taking existing maps and converting them to social zones is not very time consuming. It was as a result of her saying that, that we requested and got Leo's in pretty short order. That was more than a year ago; hopefully we're spacing out our social zone requests enough that it doesn't seem too demanding.
    eladriell wrote: »
    but anything more than an hour spent on it would be wasted time when there is so much that needs fixed.

    The RP community generates revenue like everyone else, but seems low on the priorities. And- whatever, RPers are a resilient bunch accustomed to making much out of little. This isn't a big ask, though.

    Rest assured, devs would be back to work on the Sisyphean pursuit of fine-tuning things for min-maxers before long.
  • heavywhirlwind89heavywhirlwind89 Posts: 6 Arc User
    Bump! I'm all for more social zones.
  • mmhare8mmhare8 Posts: 2 Arc User
    Couldn't hurt to have more places to explore!
  • ovact13ovact13 Posts: 2 Arc User
    I want to go to prison

    I also want to go to prison.
  • bab3ruthl3ssbab3ruthl3ss Posts: 9 Arc User
    Would love to see this. Also the hospital area that we get for the beginning of Off the Hook would be fantastic to have accessible full-time.
  • historiphilehistoriphile Posts: 97 Arc User
    Would love to see this. Also the hospital area that we get for the beginning of Off the Hook would be fantastic to have accessible full-time.

    Oh yeah, I'd love to see a hospital eventually, too. Or a social map with medical treatment elements in it.
  • geminipawngeminipawn Posts: 4 Arc User
    Oh yeah, I'd love to see a hospital eventually, too. Or a social map with medical treatment elements in it.
    Definitely! The missions In-PSI Job and Covering Their Tracks have decent medical/lab setups. But an actual hospital would be neat too!

    Totally seconding the Westside Prison, though!
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