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Support Build Check


So just need my build to be checked out before I fully commit

The main focus on this build is a Psion Healer with the AoRP Aura (Or PM, whatever is stronger) with the rest of the powers mainly focusing on Psi Powers.

TK Strike/w Adv to open up mobs with stressed and keep Stress applied so they are weaker to my main attack Mind Drain, Mind Drain is my Main Heal/Damage but I also have Psionic Healing for the moments that there are no mobs around to drain from (Otherwise be a sitting duck). Grabbed Ego Sprites for it's Advs with the extra heal and buff for healing.

I have also thrown in Mindful Reinforcement to quickly shelid myself and allies so I can not be damaged while trying to heal. I am unsure if Psionic Healing is any better then Empathic but either way they both work out. (For even Warmth, the Fire version)

Resruge/Convi/Thunder Return as per of my build and the Specs/Tals and SS are all copied from my other Nanites Support Build I did before.

(Unnamed Build) - Freeform (Support)

Super Stats
Level 6: Presence (Primary)
Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary)
Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)

Level 1: The Witch (Con: 10, Int: 8, Pre: 10, Rec: 10)
Level 6: Diplomatic (Int: 5, Pre: 5)
Level 9: Healthy Mind (Con: 5, Int: 5)
Level 12: Shrug It Off (Con: 5, Pre: 5)
Level 15: Negotiator (Int: 5, Rec: 5)
Level 18: Quick Recovery (Con: 5, Rec: 5)
Level 21: Lasting Impression (Pre: 5, Rec: 5)

Level 1: Kinetic Darts
Level 1: Telekinetic Strike (Rank 2, Stressed Out)
Level 6: Telekinetic Shield (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 8: Aura of Radiant Protection (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 11: Ego Sprites (Slave Mentality, Illumination)
Level 14: Mental Leech
Level 17: Mind Drain (Rank 2, Deplete)
Level 20: Psionic Healing (Rank 2, Psionic Emanation)
Level 23: Mindful Reinforcement (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 26: Conviction (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 29: Resurgence (Rank 2)
Level 32: Telekinetic Reverberation
Level 35: Compassion
Level 38: Thundering Return
Adv. Points: 36/36

Travel Powers
Level 6: Power Skating (Rank 2, Rank 3)
Level 35: Stoic Flight

Presence: Repurpose (3/3)
Presence: Selfless Ally (2/2)
Presence: Moment of Glory (3/3)
Presence: Force of Will (2/2)
Sentinel: Eternal Spring (2/2)
Sentinel: Caregiver (3/3)
Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)
Sentinel: Moment of Need (2/3)
Sentry: Precise (3/3)
Sentry: Sentry Aura (3/3)
Sentry: Fortify (2/2)
Sentry: Reinforce (2/2)
Mastery: Presence Mastery (1/1)


Let me know what you think



  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,886 Arc User
    edited May 2024
    It looks okay for a Healer build, though the main thing it's missing atm is an ally rez. You could drop something like Conviction or Resurgence for it, since you have other ways to heal/shield yourself here, but you could also opt to axe something else instead.

    Empathic Healing doesn't have to be charged, so that can make it easier to use, but it also can't reach past 50ft like Psionic Healing can, and that extra range could be useful if healing allies outside of Mind Drain's AoE heal. Iniquity is ofc the best pick for a single-target heal instead, but then you may want to keep Conviction cause Iniquity can't be used on yourself (assuming Iniquity isn't too out-of-theme either). Ultimately, it's up to you on what main heal(s) you want to employ, and you can test them out in the PH/PTS to see how you like each one.

    I'd prob also change the EU to something else, since TK Reverb will only work w/ TK Strike (sometimes). I'd instead go with MSA (w/ MLeech and MStorm), Conjuring (if using Illum adv on Sprites, since that's a Curse), or even TP Reverb (via Sprites' Disorient, though that's also not as reliable).

    Since TK Strike's Stress apply isn't guaranteed w/o Ego Infusion, I'd prob get MStorm w/ its Stress adv instead, since taps of it can work in the background to build up Stress (and the adv will also refresh any Stress stacks, which is handy in longer fights).
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • circleofpsi#4619 circleofpsi Posts: 2,977 Arc User
    flowcyto wrote: »
    It looks okay for a Healer build, though the main thing it's missing atm is an ally rez. You could drop something like Conviction or Resurgence for it, since you have other ways to heal/shield yourself here, but you could also opt to axe something else instead.

    How did I miss a Ally-Rez x.x (I'll add that in)

    flowcyto wrote: »
    Empathic Healing doesn't have to be charged, so that can make it easier to use, but it also can't reach past 50ft like Psionic Healing can, and that extra range could be useful if healing allies outside of Mind Drain's AoE heal. Iniquity is ofc the best pick for a single-target heal instead, but then you may want to keep Conviction cause Iniquity can't be used on yourself (assuming Iniquity isn't too out-of-theme either). Ultimately, it's up to you on what main heal(s) you want to employ, and you can test them out in the PH/PTS to see how you like each one.

    Thanks for the infomation, I'll toggle around to see what I'd like best
    flowcyto wrote: »
    I'd prob also change the EU to something else, since TK Reverb will only work w/ TK Strike (sometimes). I'd instead go with MSA (w/ MLeech and MStorm), Conjuring (if using Illum adv on Sprites, since that's a Curse), or even TP Reverb (via Sprites' Disorient, though that's also not as reliable).

    Thanks I'll go ahead and grab MSA (w/ MLeech and MStorm)

    Here is the edited results:

    As stated above I've gone for MSA (w/ MLeech and MStorm) and kicked out Sprites and I have also axed Conviction for the Ally rez but decicded to keep the AD since that can be a saving grace if things hit the fan and since I have a alot of ways to heal I don't need Convic

    Also went with the Stress debuff you mentii9ned with MStrom & still kept Stress from TK Strike

    (Unnamed Build) - Freeform (Support)

    Super Stats
    Level 6: Presence (Primary)
    Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary)
    Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)

    Level 1: The Witch (Con: 10, Int: 8, Pre: 10, Rec: 10)
    Level 6: Diplomatic (Int: 5, Pre: 5)
    Level 9: Healthy Mind (Con: 5, Int: 5)
    Level 12: Shrug It Off (Con: 5, Pre: 5)
    Level 15: Negotiator (Int: 5, Rec: 5)
    Level 18: Quick Recovery (Con: 5, Rec: 5)
    Level 21: Lasting Impression (Pre: 5, Rec: 5)

    Level 1: Kinetic Darts
    Level 1: Telekinetic Strike (Rank 2, Stressed Out)
    Level 6: Telekinetic Shield (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 8: Aura of Radiant Protection (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 11: Mental Leech
    Level 14: Mind Drain (Rank 2, Deplete)
    Level 17: Psionic Healing (Rank 2, Psionic Emanation)
    Level 20: Mental Storm (Rank 2, Mental Artillery)
    Level 23: Mindful Reinforcement (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 26: Redemption (Rank 2, Salvation)
    Level 29: Resurgence (Rank 2)
    Level 32: Molecular Self-Assembly
    Level 35: Compassion
    Level 38: Thundering Return
    Adv. Points: 36/36

    Travel Powers
    Level 6: Power Skating (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 35: Stoic Flight

    Presence: Repurpose (3/3)
    Presence: Selfless Ally (2/2)
    Presence: Moment of Glory (3/3)
    Presence: Force of Will (2/2)
    Sentinel: Eternal Spring (2/2)
    Sentinel: Caregiver (3/3)
    Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)
    Sentinel: Moment of Need (2/3)
    Sentry: Precise (3/3)
    Sentry: Sentry Aura (3/3)
    Sentry: Fortify (2/2)
    Sentry: Reinforce (2/2)
    Mastery: Presence Mastery (1/1)


  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,886 Arc User
    While I like some of the changes, I think you can drop TK Strike now. Since MStorm is better for applying and managing Stress (and helps proc the EU), you don't really need TK Strike here (and you can always change the end builder to Eld Bolts and re-order the powers if there's issues w/ power tier prerequisites when removing TK Strike). I also assume that you aren't leveling w/ this build and/or using this exact power order (and if so, you can use a different build for leveling and re-train into the full build later on- leveling solo as Healer isn't generally a good idea anyways).
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Don't forget to pick up a Psionic Accelerator device. Need to burn that stash of Drifter Salvage on Something!
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • circleofpsi#4619 circleofpsi Posts: 2,977 Arc User
    flowcyto wrote: »
    While I like some of the changes, I think you can drop TK Strike now. Since MStorm is better for applying and managing Stress (and helps proc the EU), you don't really need TK Strike here (and you can always change the end builder to Eld Bolts and re-order the powers if there's issues w/ power tier prerequisites when removing TK Strike). I also assume that you aren't leveling w/ this build and/or using this exact power order (and if so, you can use a different build for leveling and re-train into the full build later on- leveling solo as Healer isn't generally a good idea anyways).

    Yeah did have some problems with the power tier prerequisites and no I'm not leveling it, pre level 40

    This is what I've done in order to reshuffle the power tier prerequisites, I did go for Eld Bolts but wasn't to keen on it's viusals, so I ended up doing this way.

    No TK Darts, just Psi Lash as my EB and then removed TK Strike in favor for Ego Sprites

    (Unnamed Build) - Freeform (Support)

    Super Stats
    Level 6: Presence (Primary)
    Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary)
    Level 15: Constitution (Secondary)

    Level 1: The Witch (Con: 10, Int: 8, Pre: 10, Rec: 10)
    Level 6: Diplomatic (Int: 5, Pre: 5)
    Level 9: Healthy Mind (Con: 5, Int: 5)
    Level 12: Shrug It Off (Con: 5, Pre: 5)
    Level 15: Negotiator (Int: 5, Rec: 5)
    Level 18: Quick Recovery (Con: 5, Rec: 5)
    Level 21: Lasting Impression (Pre: 5, Rec: 5)

    Level 1: Psi Lash
    Level 1: Ego Sprites (Slave Mentality, Illumination)
    Level 6: Mental Leech
    Level 8: Aura of Radiant Protection (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 11: Telekinetic Shield (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 14: Mind Drain (Rank 2, Deplete)
    Level 17: Psionic Healing (Rank 2, Psionic Emanation)
    Level 20: Mental Storm (Rank 2, Mental Artillery)
    Level 23: Mindful Reinforcement (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 26: Redemption (Rank 2, Salvation)
    Level 29: Resurgence (Rank 2)
    Level 32: Molecular Self-Assembly
    Level 35: Compassion
    Level 38: Thundering Return
    Adv. Points: 36/36

    Travel Powers
    Level 6: Power Skating (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 35: Stoic Flight

    Presence: Repurpose (3/3)
    Presence: Selfless Ally (2/2)
    Presence: Moment of Glory (3/3)
    Presence: Force of Will (2/2)
    Sentinel: Eternal Spring (2/2)
    Sentinel: Caregiver (3/3)
    Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)
    Sentinel: Moment of Need (2/3)
    Sentry: Precise (3/3)
    Sentry: Sentry Aura (3/3)
    Sentry: Fortify (2/2)
    Sentry: Reinforce (2/2)
    Mastery: Presence Mastery (1/1)


  • circleofpsi#4619 circleofpsi Posts: 2,977 Arc User
    jaazaniah1 wrote: »
    Don't forget to pick up a Psionic Accelerator device. Need to burn that stash of Drifter Salvage on Something!

    Yup, I always grab that for my Psi Builds, it's just that good
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,886 Arc User
    This is what I've done in order to reshuffle the power tier prerequisites, I did go for Eld Bolts but wasn't to keen on it's viusals, so I ended up doing this way.

    No TK Darts, just Psi Lash as my EB and then removed TK Strike in favor for Ego Sprites

    Eh, the visuals of the end builder don't matter that much, since you shouldn't be using it much (or at all) anyways. But that early power order also works, if you're fine w/ keeping the Sprites. Good luck w/ the build, either way.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
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