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Release Notes 2/15/2024

kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
Fury of the Dragon
  • Added Thundering Claws power variant device as a possible drop.

  • Made some changes to how the game patches in information on textures. If you were experiencing missing images last week, please respond if you are still experiencing that issue.

  • Extended the duration of the Collector's Lockbox by a week.

  • Fixed an issue where the trailing stars (white) aura displayed the wrong aura.

  • Fixed an issue where the last hit on Onslaught did less damage than intended.

Thundering Claws
  • Power Variant Device.
  • Scales off of Dragon Claws
  • Deals single target electric damage.
  • When fully charged against a target affected by Negative Ions, refreshes the effect, and has a chance to apply Negative Ions to other targets within 25ft.
  • When fully charged, applies High Voltage to you for 12 seconds for every target within 25ft (max 5) affected by your Negative Ions, which increases the damage of the power by 5% per stack.
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