Hello! I have unlocked some new powers, and I want to find a use for them for a new build. Scorching Impact, Shadow Eruption and Nuclear Shockwave. Please tell me how you use them? Or together with what other powers? Thank you
The three powers are from very different sets, so they won't necc work that well together. Also, all three powers can scatter KB, which can be counter-productive. I prob wouldn't try to mix them all in one build, but it is ultimately up to you.
Taking the powers on their own, I'd prob take Nuclear Shockwave in a ranged build that uses Particle dmg, to make use of its Disintegrate adv. SEruption has an adv that turns its KB into a knock-to instead, which can be handy, and then you could get its self-heal adv as well (and you can just tap the power for these effects). Scorching Impact can be fine for a Fire build that doesn't mind playing close-range (or if you just wanted a Fire-themed lunge for a melee build, though the potential scatter KB could still be an issue there), and it also has a self-heal adv as an option.
Taking the powers on their own, I'd prob take Nuclear Shockwave in a ranged build that uses Particle dmg, to make use of its Disintegrate adv. SEruption has an adv that turns its KB into a knock-to instead, which can be handy, and then you could get its self-heal adv as well (and you can just tap the power for these effects). Scorching Impact can be fine for a Fire build that doesn't mind playing close-range (or if you just wanted a Fire-themed lunge for a melee build, though the potential scatter KB could still be an issue there), and it also has a self-heal adv as an option.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!