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The Planeswalker 11.0

Version 11. I was told my posted builds cannot be seen by those outside of the Steam area so I will repost content here as well to be fair to my fellow players requests.

My tank is styled to prevent party wipes, make the healers job easier, and radiate health onto others nearby with a slight trickle to those within 100ft. I've been told I should get a self res in my power set but the object to me is to not die in the first place however Eventually I will get a phoenix tear by default.

With the loss of IDF's (inertial dampening field) effectiveness as a whole its just no longer worth keeping in my move set. Cleave is too slow and been replaced. I will re-purchase a Phoenix tear to replace self res as a move in time.

Primary Stat- Strength (Damage/Knock/Knock Resistance)
Specialization Tree 1- (Swole 3, Physical Peak 2, Brutality 2, Juggernaut 3)
Secondaries- Constitution/Recovery
Specialization Tree 2- Protector (Fortified Gear 3, Bulwark 2, Exhausting strikes 2, Resolute 3)
Specialization Tree 3- Sentry (Fortified Gear 3, Sentry Aura 3, Fortify 2, Reinforcement 2)

Mastery- Protector Mastery (Low health resets Direct Defense)

1. Flight R3 ([Basic] Full range movement at high speed)
2. Teleport R1 ([Basic] Movement through foes/instant Stealth with slow fall)
3. Transcendance R1 (Res 10 players in almost an instant then get back to tanking)
4. Compassion (Recovery Secondary helps buff Healing 1st & damage 2nd)
5. Devour Essence R2 (Single Damage/Self heal maintain)
Advantage-Phlebotomist (Toxic & Bleeding targets amplify Devours Essence healing)
Advantage-Challenge! (Threat optimization)
6. Vile Lariat R1 (Mid-Ranged Single target attack)
Advantage-Work Up! (Decent HoT)
Advantage-Viral (Increase in deadly poison chance on target over time)
Advantage-Challenge! (Threat optimization)
7. Medical Arrow R1 (100ft Single target attack/healing rune on target)
Advantage-Illuminate (Further attacks on opponent activate small HoT for allies)
Advantage-Challenge! (Threat optimization)
8. Mental Leech R1 (Dependency after 10 seconds for closest ally [Stackable x5])
9. Defiance R3 (Greater resistance top out [Stackable x6])
10. Thermal Reverberation (Energy management over time [Source:Fire])
11. Eruption R1 (Foreward AoE attack+Knock upwards)
Advantage-Reckless (attacks = tiny shield for a time/Knock Resistance [Stackable x3])
Advantage-Magma Burst (Clinging Flames added)
Advantage-Challenge! (Threat optimization)
12. Absorb Heat R3 (AoE attack/Converts clinging flames into AoE health [Limit x5)
13. Telekinetic Shield R3 (Maximum resistance to physical. Modest to non-physical)
14. Bludgeon R1 (AoE forewward power builder)
15. Bountiful Chi Resurgance R1 (Small self Heal over time)
Advantage-Gifts of the Storm (Small AoE heal to nearby allies for self over heals)
16. Resurgence R1 ( [Direct Defense] Gain 50% health with a brief regeneration increase.)

To answer the question "how do you even get that high a defense?" which I got hit with.

The Gear - I aim for a 17k+ Health base (though they changed things to wear i'm now barely under it when I used to be over it by at least 500 with the same build.. close enough for now.), A defense of 600 is the goal so I will probably need to get higher than 7 mods which I don't like doing. Always have and always will so sign me up for DA meeting because i'm an addict.

-Secondary Gearing-
Offensive: Cosmic Ambition (R5 Confront)
Defensive: Cosmic Talens of Rage (R5 Armored Core)
Utility: Cosmic Vision of Rage (R5 Venomous)
-Secondary Gear Set Bonuses-
2 piece: +10 to all super stats
3 pieces: +10 to all stats
Cosmic Ambition special Bonus:
3 piece: +30 Defense / +10% Threat Generation
-Primary Gearing-
Offensive: Distinguished Gloves of Offense (x2 R7 Constitution Enhancement/x2 R7 Confronts) Defensive: Distinguished Armor of Freedom (x2 R7 Constitution Core/ x2 R7 Impact Prism)
Utility: Distinguished Helmet of Efficiency (R7 Constitution Enhancement, R7 Constitution Core/x2 R7 Impact Prism)
Set Bonuses:
2 piece: +20 all super stats
2 piece: +10 all non-super stats
3 piece: +64 Defense
3 piece: +10 Energy Unlocks, Additional 10% Threat in Tank role

At 40th Level
Str: 163 Dex 35, Con 571, Int 35, Ego 30, Pres 30, Rec 164, End 35
Current Offense: 110.6
Current HP: 16,925
Current Critical Chance: 9.6%
Current Energy : 135
Critical Severity: 80.2%
Current Defence: 574
Dodge Chance: 10%
Avoidance: 20%
Mysticism: 400 (Is my crafter of all things mystical)

Notable Device Slot: Chilling Roar, (Phoenix Tear coming soon)

I've received 3 complaints and the rest compliments this year for this build especially in Gravitar Ques which I can single handedly carry when everyone else has fallen should my res get stuffed by a knocking blast to the face.

The only 3 complaints this year were all the same issue.
Very High Tier players who's DPS was so optimized they overshadowed my aggro. And my answer to it will always be the same. "Get a threat wipe or suffer the consequences". 1 of the players who complained in actuality purposefully stocks Threat amplifier mods in his offensives to purposefully troll me and even told me they do so.

To this I said to each their own. It's a game. If this is how you have fun then so be it but don't get mad when people notice its always you and abandon or prompt a ban of you in the end. I'm here to have fun not get involved in virtual disputes.

For those of you who PM me pissed off. I want you to just look up from your screen and develop the rule of, "No biggie". C:


  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,887 Arc User
    edited September 2023
    Weird to hear of a player intentionally trolling like that, but I guess you can just ignore them and/or let them 'tank' if they want aggro so much. Although threat management is at its core still mostly on the tank, I imagine many high-end dps players have a threat wipe handy too cause they know that tanks may have to block and/or prioritize defenses a lot, and that's also just being a better team player overall.

    Anyways, in the future, you may want to get acquainted w/ the HeroCreator planner on here (if you already haven't), as it can help consolidate builds into a more universal format that also allows for easier sharing (by using the Export tab and/or sharing the link):


    (linking the Beta version since it's more up-to-date atm).
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • silentline7silentline7 Posts: 24 Arc User
    Ooooooh :O Thanks FlowCyto! Hero creators rock! I will check it out. I thank you for the helpful reply its always good to see you in the forums.

    I can go on forever about trolls but they have a place in CO too of which is ok to an extent. Player freedom and enjoyment go hand in hand.

    What I know about the ones I call "The 3"

    1 Who actively trolls cosmics and open world monthly events.
    1 who talks in pms directly to me for some reason.
    And 1 that calls the planeswalker build an, "aggroless tank" at every turn but wont purchase a threat wipe. But when I think about it they do criticize me on every other topic. And quite honestly I cant recall them ever saying a single good word on me as a player or any of my builds for that matter. So maybe they have lost their positive outlook for some reason or another.

    So its meh, No Biggie. Positive 85% Negative 2% indifferent 13% ratio isn't a bad one. :)

    Again thanks for the informative reply. I'll see you later.
  • h4forumsh4forums Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited September 2023
    I think you should reconsider this build. I know it has worked well for you in the past, but Devour Essence has been nerfed and has poor threat nowadays. While you are free to play as you like, please understand that it is also very frustrating for people who bring high dps. High dps players do actually threat wipe for you, but still manage to take aggro because the devour essence threat is just so low.

    EDIT: After thinking this over a bit more, I realize you are unlikely to stop using Devour Essence, since it matches your concept well. In this case, I think it would be helpful for you to take R3 devour essence for a bit more threat, and drop BCR. The reason here is, that devour essence healing advantage you take does no good when the healers are competent, as they will be keeping you topped off. This means you're effectively running R2 devour essence on good runs, and only getting the extra heal power on runs with poor healing. BCR is also not going to be doing anything when the heals are good, and instead you are only lowering your own damage and threat for nothing.

    EDIT2: I notice you are using 2x confront 7. Since devour essence is your main attack, consider changing those threat mods into r7 toxic threat mods. Specific type threat mods give more per rank than confront, and it will help you out.
    Post edited by h4forums on
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,887 Arc User
    edited September 2023
    Yea, happy to be of some help.

    In light of some of H4's advice, it seems you also lack a debuff for Toxic dmg (Debilitating Poison), which could help boost dmg/threat if you're sticking w/ DE. There's a few ways to apply that debuff, but the Will O' Wisp power in the Infernal set is prob the fastest (hopefully it gels enough w/ the concept). Another general option is getting a pbAoE w/ Challenge on it, since it can apply 2ndary Challenge to bosses, and that stacks w/ primary Challenge. Yet another general option is to get an Ultimate w/ a large threat adv option (these also just cost 1 adv point), even if it's not a great fit for the rest of the build. For example, Fractal Aegis isn't amazing on it's own, but it is relatively cheap and quick for an ult, and has such a threat adv. Compassion and Rec is also going to limit your dps potential vs. a standard dps toggle/form and dps stat, but I also understand that could be a pain point if you like the healing boost too. Protector and Sentry specs, while good for defense and some support, also don't really help as much w/ dps and threat gen (compared to, say, Wardicator specs, which are more selfish but well-rounded).

    I don't really know of the situation w/ you in-game, but overall, if someone is trolling or acting in bad faith then you don't have to respect that, but if some players have honest concerns even after using threat wipes then that's something you should prob tackle in good faith to help resolve. As shown already, there are multiple options for helping to address that (and we prob haven't even covered all of them yet), but some could entail more friction than others. You don't necc have to try to adopt all of them, but exploring some forms of getting more dps/threat could be worthwhile.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • silentline7silentline7 Posts: 24 Arc User
    h4forums: "You've sparked my interest with the (Infection 7) adjustments which are certainly undeniable. I totally missed the Devour Essence nerf being preoccupied with salvaging my healer hero, adjusting my ranged DPS hero when they obliterated the sacrifice advantage on Dark Transfusion, and pulling apart my melee dps while I create a themed Planeswalker replacement for kiga thats more flexible. BCR was going to take a back seat to another skill but I wasn't sure which one and was holding out. This change will be my consideration to our top 3% DPS'ers to the CO scoreboarders." :|

    Flowcyto: Congratulations dear one you just picked the BCR replacement skill (Debilitating Poison) as it seems now that I need it more than I ever. Looking back at version 1,2, and 3 up to now its been quite the ride. :>

    Thank guys. c:

  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,887 Arc User
    edited September 2023
    Okay, well if you ever need help w/ any build (or just want to consider other opinions, hopefully made in good faith), then you can also let us know on here. Good luck out there, regardless.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • silentline7silentline7 Posts: 24 Arc User

    I seem to be having problems with the steam server so I have returned to other platforms to continue playing. A player has also decided to post my build on discord for the Champions community. I have never been stingy with my builds and are more than happy to share them. Its all in fun.

    See you in the field. :)
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,887 Arc User
    edited March 2024
    I hope the build is performing better for you (notably, to maintain aggro reliably). ADs share a cd, but I guess you took both Resurgence and Indestructible to have the option of healing vs mitigation. That can be fine, assuming you regularly use either (R3 Masterful Dodge is also an option for mitigation, since it puts you past 100% dodge at R3). You can also prob afford to drop two of the Challenge advs (prob keeping it on DE and Absorb Heat for primary and 2ndary Challenge) to afford getting a normal rank in another power. I would also alter your Talents a bit to better reflect your SSs (and to get some End, for TReverb):

    Level 1: The Devastator (Str: 10, Con: 10, Rec: 10, End: 8)
    Level 6: Quick Recovery (Con: 5, Rec: 5)
    Level 9: Relentless (Str: 5, Rec: 5)
    Level 12: Amazing Stamina (Rec: 5, End: 5)
    Level 15: Boundless Reserves (Con: 5, End: 5)
    Level 18: Bodybuilder (Str: 5, End: 5)
    Level 21: Physical Conditioning (Str: 5, Con: 5)

    There are prob other tweaks that can be done, but if the build is doing well then you don't necessarily need to change it.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • silentline7silentline7 Posts: 24 Arc User
    flowcyto wrote: »
    I hope the build is performing better for you (notably, to maintain aggro reliably). ADs share a cd, but I guess you took both Resurgence and Indestructible to have the option of healing vs mitigation. That can be fine, assuming you regularly use either (R3 Masterful Dodge is also an option for mitigation, since it puts you past 100% dodge at R3). You can also prob afford to drop two of the Challenge advs (prob keeping it on DE and Absorb Heat for primary and 2ndary Challenge) to afford getting a normal rank in another power. I would also alter your Talents a bit to better reflect your SSs (and to get some End, for TReverb):

    Level 1: The Devastator (Str: 10, Con: 10, Rec: 10, End: 8)
    Level 6: Quick Recovery (Con: 5, Rec: 5)
    Level 9: Relentless (Str: 5, Rec: 5)
    Level 12: Amazing Stamina (Rec: 5, End: 5)
    Level 15: Boundless Reserves (Con: 5, End: 5)
    Level 18: Bodybuilder (Str: 5, End: 5)
    Level 21: Physical Conditioning (Str: 5, Con: 5)

    There are prob other tweaks that can be done, but if the build is doing well then you don't necessarily need to change it.

    Its working better than I expected feeling much better when I see the Baby Dino drift out past safe zoning of its parent. Then Right before the bite I pop the Indestructible to extreme my defense so I'm not insta killed. Even a critical bite that drops all the other tanks in the soak stack can be weathered with good timing.

    If the health drops below safe while indestructible is up the mastery resets the direct defense and I can resurge it back to safe. Usually buys enough time for other tanks to get back into the fight even if the healer can't save me after the Indestructible expires topped off with all my other self heal tactics.

    Point is the DPS & Healers are safe to continue. I'm waiting to see a Champions online memes video where a tank is tail slapped over 100ft landing dead. XD Cause its happened so many time.

    I may kill off the other challenges as they seem more like beating a dead horse since my aggro focus is for poison dmg. As for Therm-reverb its me just overkilling my energy needs for what I actually have on hand and will probably be dropped for something technical. I do like the new talent arrangement you posted with 10 str,10 con,10 rec 8 its spot on. Also I need to stop and farm up the recognition needed to use my gold to buy a phoenix self res otherwise i have no use for 1000 gold just sitting there day in and day out and there's no need to use an entire power over it.

    The next planes update improvement should be better. I my also start working for all the devices for resistance like Brilliance if my computer doesn't lock up on me making me more of a liability than an aid. :)

    Thanks again flowcyto C:
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,887 Arc User
    edited March 2024
    No problem, and glad to hear that the build is doing better for you. Good luck out there 8)
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
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