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- Fixed an issue where Teleiosaurus's schtick tell for her regeneration didn't always display.
Dev Store
- Added Negaterak auras.
- Added Cats! device.
- Fixed an issue where Life Essence wasn't healing for the correct amount.
Edit: this particular instance of Teleiosaurus has now been fixed on Live.
> Bug: Teleiosaurus does not always clear the Parental Bond buff after a reset, meaning the next fight starts with Frenzied damage.
I actually noticed this buff icon lingering on her bar after she reset quite often this week. Sometimes she even had two stacks. But it wasn’t causing auto frenzy then. That’s new.
> Just checking, is it verified that she has the damage buff once starting? As that looks to be just a visual error with buffs and debuffs not always clearing upon combat reset.
Yeah, they’re saying in EndGame chat that she’s now going immediately into Frenzy.
At this time, engaging with Teleiosaurus did not produce a visual icon for Frenzy - but the damage numbers were inflated. Team disbanded before we could get the Hatchling to spawn.
You just bring the character in question to the end of each dev CC to participate in the OM that Kaiserin starts to get a dev token. One a month is effortlessly guaranteed, potentially more through other sources (like when the Megalodon was being tested, or if you HM or win a dev CC.)
This is my cry for help
*If you can attend the Dev CCs. Not if you're from somewhere that the Dev CC happens at an impractical time.
Technically true, though my response was to someone "trying for over 10 years to even acquire 5 points on one person" and "all but impossible to get points." It's entirely possible, but you need to be able to get online at a specific time on a friday for 5 to 10 minutes, which depending on where you live could actually be in the dead of night on a saturday, or even saturday morning, which is awkward and annoying (mostly if you actually have a stable job and/or a stable sleep schedule) but not impossible, just... highly unintuitive. (I've stayed awake for upwards of a day straight to snap my sleep schedule to a dev CC before, but that I only do because I can afford to do it, and therein lies the issue.)
Different methods to acquire dev tokens- or at least, the dev store costume unlocks in particular- would be highly beneficial to players who can't afford to be borderline-wage-slaves for the game, but I doubt it'd ever happen, for obvious reasons.
This is my cry for help