For what it's worth, I haven't actually done any
testing to see what-all this does and doesn't effect. Is this only on the female model, or is the male model affected as well? Is it just the Lightning Speed device, or does the identical travel power unlock have the same issue? Is it only Lightning Speed that has this going on, or does Electric Speed (the non-naruto-run equivalent, that is) have the same issue? I don't know. What I do know is that I literally
just noticed this about ten minutes ago, on a female-player-model character that I
just threw a Lightning Speed device on something like two days ago. Pictured here:

Note the left arm's trailing effect being reversed compared to the right: whereas the right's comes from the hand and occasionally arcs up to the elbow, just like all speed TPs that have trailing effects tied to the hands, but the left starts at the
shoulder and occasionally arcs
down to the elbow, unlike... any other speed TP I'm familiar with, really. It's... possible that this isn't a bug? But it really, really looks like it is, so I'm raising it here.
Also, obligatory hook to my last VFX bug post since it's still happening as well: