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Tailor Bug: Fire Leg Armor 1 on Female Avatars

shapey#5696 shapey Posts: 82 Arc User
edited September 2023 in Gameplay Bugs
Fire Leg Armor 1, aka Fire 1 as the Tailor knows it as, is not able to be selected on female avatars from the drop-down list. While it can be accessed and equip on them via the Costumes Unlocked panel, you cannot change the material or apply Detail diffuse to it, only change colors to the default material, Plastic.

The elaborate workaround is editing all these on a male avatar and changing it to female, but this causes several changes to certain characters. It is a headache that would be more easily fixed just allowing it to be selected on female.

I do not own all Fire pieces so I haven't checked each, but it'd be worth looking into to make sure each can be selected by both avatars.
Post edited by kaiserin#0958 on
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