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The Problem with the Eidolon / Therakiel's Temple Store

rinzler156rinzler156 Posts: 125 Arc User
I haven't talked about this in a while. I believe I made a discussion about this before, but it's not like you can just all of a sudden post the same discussion twice, especially considering some people may lose their marbles and say, "How dare you talk about this topic more than once!". Anyways, we're talking about this again.

The Eidolon / Therakiel's Temple Store was introduced as a pity store, incase you weren't lucky and didn't get a drop on a device. It sounds pretty good on paper, especially if you make a special currency that ties with the lair/cosmic. You do have to balance the currency with the amount of other currency that is required to purchase a particular item drop that belongs to that lair/cosmic.

So it was added, under the premise of completing a daily in order to get said currency, and waiting 20-24 hours before running the lair again. However, for certain items, you have to have 250 GCR/500 SCR/ 50 [Special Currency], in order to purchase a singular item. Okay, that's fairly grindy, not to some people who are solely dedicated to this game but. Alright! But wait, that's not all, for certain other items, like devices or mods, you have to have 500 GCR/500 SCR/ 100 [Special Currency]. 100 of said special currency is the max, and that means doing the daily, 100 times.

For those of you who don't know, that's close to a third of a year that you're dedicating in order to get a specific drop that just won't drop for you. It's not a pity store, it's a "Pity but Grindy" store.

Allegedly, there have been some people saying that there was an increase in drop chances for certain items in both of these instances. I think for a time that was a thing for Therakiel's Temple but not for the Eidolon, I'll need some help determining that from other people if they have anything to add onto this.

My opinion is still the same. The store's aren't pity stores, and there is one singular reason why.

You can't share the currency across your own account.

This is basically saying that you can't play another character that is a different role if you wanna get a certain item. Now if you don't care about that, and you just run for fun, KUDOS! But the big kicker of this is, the store is useless except for a small percentage of people that actually make use of it, but don't have too many other characters they want to play.

If the developers want to see these stores get some more usage, they would find it better off to simply make the currency tradable across their own account like Drifter Salvage. Because even though you're not using the same character for the same piece of content, at least you're still playing said content and still trying for loot, which was the whole purpose of the stores entirely.

The solution would likely to cut the required special currency in half. Some items require 25 Feathers/Qliphothic Essences, some items require 50 Feathers/Qliphothic Essences. OR! Make the currency transferable through your own account.


  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    I don't do Eido much anymore because the gear/costume drops just aren't very interesting to me. I've got over 10,000 gcr and 24,000 gcr on 90+ chars, so not like that's a big appeal. So, while I agree that the pity store is lame as is, the Eido rewards just need a BIG update to make that grind more interesting.​​
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