UPDATE: 29 March 2023: Reformatting the Thread's UI in order to make it more spread out, so the Forums have better time digestive the memory balance and trying to get a 2nd Page! Mission Log, Gifs and NPC lines (if they exist) will be in separated posts now instead of being collected into a Single one
I apologize in advanced for the reposts! I'm trying to work around the memory issue
Have you ever wondered how many Help a Citizen missions are in MC?
Do you want to see something absolutely CURSED?
They are also Level-Gated
I just finished
Part 2 of City Center mission maps in one shot and now I'm setting up something extra before ARGENT Headquarters
Now this is the most CURSED and Frustrating part of this exhibition and preservation project! The Help a Citizen missions in MC!
Now I'm going to do something interesting and to save my sanity!
A lot of those missions use the identical and straight out same maps!
I'm going split them into categories (Museum, Sewers, Banks e.t.c) and mix and max them with what is different! (The Museums for example have different exhibits)
The majority of them take place in Westside, followed by City Center and the minority in Downtown
Additionally, I'm going to include the Mission's description, the text you receiving once entering the instance and the one during completing the mission!
Not the biggest fan of those mission in MC (my fav ones are in Canada because I love that Zone) but I decided to include them just for the sake of data preservation 🥺
Keep in mind a lot of those missions are NOT WORTH even taking when leveling!
- Too much time traveling
- They give too little XP
- Their availability is Level Gated
- A lot of the "Collect x amount of items" are bugged and don't have the correct number of items needed (Exit and re-enter the instance to complete it, the items will respawn)
- They were designed back in the day more with Quantity over Quality
I'm going to also show the Entrance itself! The MC, Canada and Desert have a lot of mysterious entrance which are not being used from story missions! Some are even used in UNITY missions (RIP)
The building for the majority of missions is Museum! But for very few of them it's turned into an office or a Library
The following missions are here!
Starting them in no particular Order
Going to include Unique dialogue and special scripted events! There are NOT many but I'm surprised with the ones I keep finding!
1/3 [Mission Log Lore]
“One of the Black Ace leaders of the Black Aces and his crew is vandalizing the museum to help sow chaos around town. Stop the rampage!
[NPC] Museum Rampage: A Queen of Pain from the Black Aces and her crew is vandalizing the museum to help sow chaos around town. Stop the rampage!
• Defeat the Black Ace
[NPC] Museum Rampage: Good work! You trounced some of the Black Aces and turned them over to the police!
2/3 [GIFs]
3/3 [Quotes and Commentary]
Jack of Blades: Ha! Who says there is no such thing as the perfect crime?
Jack of Blades: Did you hear that? Stay sharp! I think we might have company!
Jack of Blades: You got any last words, hero?
Jack of Blades: Stick your nose where it doesn’t belong and someone’s gonna cut it off.
King of Fists: Stay out of our way or end up in a body bag!
Queen of Pain: You got any last words, hero?
Black Ace: This is another triumph for the Black Aces!
Black Ace: You just walked into a death trap, Champion!
From the Mission's entrance opening line, I thought Queen of Pain was going to be the Boss!
I guess the NPC just saw her without the Black Ace and got alarmed
1/3 [Mission Log Lore]
A former leader in the New Purple Gang member is on trial. This New Purple Gang Heavy brought somes friends along to threaten some of the expert witnesses. Put a stop to it!
• Defeat New Purple Gang Boss
[NPC] That's What Friends Are For: A former leader in the New Purple Gang member is on trial. This New Purple Gang Heavy brought somes friends along to threaten some of the expert witnesses. Put a stop to it!
[NPC] That's What Friends Are For: Good work! You defeated these New Purple Gang members and turned them over to the police!
2/3 [GIFs]
3/3 [Quotes and Commentary]
Blade Man: It's game over for you, Champion
Blade Man: Stick your nose where it doesn’t belong and someone’s gonna cut it off
Tommygun: How long do you think before the New Purple Gang takes over Millennium City?!
Tommygun: We'll make sure to leave you with some big purple bruises to remember us by!
No longer a Museum, the Location got turned into some short of Office-Bank
1/3 [Mission Log Lore]
A group of the Black Aces are causing trouble. Take them all out!
• Defeat Black Aces Strike teams (0/7)
[NPC] Field Trip: A group of the Black Aces are causing trouble. Take them all out!
[NPC] Field Trip: Good work! You trounced some of the Black Aces and turned them over to the police!
In general I wish there were enough missions elsewhere (MC, Desert - those poor lost Demon cultists - and Canada) so that it wasn't almost mandatory to go to MI for levles 30-32 (only way not to is to do Aftershock et al, the Serial missions, the two Cyberminds, and lots of alerts, but I hate leveling by spamming Grabs)
Yeah those and the Defeat only the Boss are the easiest ones to speedrun
Even thought due to my Leveling progress, it's the best to speedrun all Westside missions without picking those extras just so I can do Canada and Desert Crisis and then chill in their respective zones ( I LOVE CANADA, I can never NOT DO Canada missions when leveling)
I wouldn't mind! There was clearly some dedication making some of those first missions unique with injecting some personality!
But as I go through I see more Copy-Paste scenarios
I suspect that's why Downtown didn't got a lot of them
UNITY Unique maps that were never used anywhere in the game were tossed into the garbage! Never to do anything interesting with them!
I have a LONG way to reach UNITY for the project, but MAN do I want those ASAP
Pretty place, really wasted it was never utilized beyond being a place for the The Vengeance Journals lore 🤷♂️
So am I! 🍻
I consider Grab spamming for leveling completely brainless! I'm not gonna wait for other players to Queue to do content with the possibility to get a lvl 40 troll that aggro all the map and then dances in front of the cutscene camera to troll low levels
At least with leveling via missions I get some chill time to brainstorm about my character's build and potential!
Even NOW that I made 4 new characters and leveling them when I'm in the mood
2/3 [GIFs]
3/3 [Quotes and Commentary]
Queen of Pain Stay out of our way or end up in a body bag!
Jack of Pain: You want to mess with the Black Aces? That's a good way to end up dead!
Jack of Fists: It's game over for you, CHAMPION!
Jack of Pain: Keep out of our way, hero!
Jack of Pain: You gonna take all day?
Jack of Pain: That is gonna be loud!
Jack of Pain: We better get paid extra for this job!
Jack of Fists: supers!
Jack of Pain: You’ve interrupted the Black Aces' business for the last time
First surprise of this segment and a ray of hope that preserving those missions is not an entire waste of time
There are 3 Unique events here that you can miss if you defeat Black Aces fast
OH! That is gonna be loud ALL RIGHT!
Funny little details you won't notice if you rush
Black Aces are funny! Makes me want to watch Clockwork Orange! I'm sure it's going to be a very whimsical movie if those guys are based on it! 🙃
1/2 [Mission Log Lore]
It's an invasion of Destroids! You're not sure what they're doing here, but you're sure they need to be taken apart. Go for it!
• Defeat Destroid Strike Team (0/7)
[NPC] Invasion of the Destroids: It's an invasion of the Destroyer Bots! You're not sure what they're doing here, but you're sure they need to be taken apart. Go to it!
[NPC] Invasion of the Destroids: Good work! You destroyed Destroyer's robots and made the world a safer place!
2/2 [GIF and Commentary]
Nothing interesting happens!
The Museum once again turned into a huge waste of space
The Destroids don't say anything, there are no events!
The Map opening statement repeats the mission description
Moving on, this is extremely boring place!
1/3 [Mission Log Lore]
[NPC] Violence against Violet: You see evidence that the New Purple Gang is here, and that they're planning to steal everything that isn't bolted down. The only thing that will stop them is a quick lesson in rough justice.
• Defeat groups of New Purple Gang thieves (0/7)
[22:58] [NPC] Violence against Violet: Good work! You defeated a batch of the New Purple Gang and turned them over to the police!
2/3 [GIFs]
3/3 [Quotes and Commentary]
Cleaner: You got any last words, hero
Hired Muscle: You should have known better than to interfere in New Purple Gang business, chump!
Cleaner: Stand still, CHAMPION and we promise to make this quick!
Hired Muscle: We'll make sure to leave you with some big purple bruises to remember us
The Museum Map is starting to get filled with more and more unique Exhibits from all around the game
The weird Hooded Grim statue appears in an instance in Monster Island! I don't want to spoil it! The way it's placed there, I feel it's a reference to another game 🤔
Voodoo dolls from Vibora Bay
The Gorilla (Qwyjibo) statue is from Monster Island itself
Wait, there's a mission in the cave there? Who gives it? Why, in 11 years, have I never received that mission?
1/3 [Mission Log Lore]
[NPC] DEMONic Derailment: DEMON is running rampant and causing chaos! Stop them before someone gets hurt!
• Defeat the DEMON strike teams (0/7)
[NPC] DEMONic Derailment: Good work! You beat back DEMON's minions and banished them to prison!
2/3 [GIFs]
3/3 [Quotes and Commentary]
Morbane: You're going to regret making an enemy out of DEMON, pinhead!
Morbane: Keep out of our way, hero!
Initiate: CHAMPION ought to do (OOPS I messed up and lost the full sentence)
Initiate: I'm pretty sure CHAMPION is too chicken to take on DEMON.
Initiate: Did you hear that? Stay sharp! I think we might have company!
Initiate: I want to see DEMON humiliate that jerk CHAMPION!
Initiate: I'm only in this job for the money, power and prestige.
Initiate: I'm not a fan of any superhero, but I think I hate CHAMPION most of all!
Initiate: If we pull of this caper, we're going to be rich!
Initiate: How long do you think before DEMON takes over the world?
Initiate: The enemies of DEMON will burn in eternal hellfire.
Initiate: Once Luther Black is ruler of the world, I fully expect to be promoted to second-in-command.
Initiate: Ha! Who says there is no such thing as the perfect crime
Initiate: This operation will give DEMON the upper hand! Soon there will be no stopping us!
Initiate: Once we pull of this job, we're going to be on easy street!
Initiate: I think DEMON has got CHAMPION running scared.
Initiate: I hope you made funeral arrangements, CHAMPION!
Interesting things are going on here!
For starters the Citizen's text is different, instead of "I saw some suspicious dudes going in the building" it states they recognized the DEMON
At this point I realized the Initiate was pulling out quotes from a shared bank for those mission
That makes her the Boss! 10/10 she is the best
UPDATE: After doing multiple missions, only bosses share this huge quote pull! She was programed as the "Boss" despite being rank 1 Hechman
What the hell is a "municpal" building ?
I don't know this word! Whose PAL is this Munic?
Oh so it was a typo! and still a word I don't know
Don't worry it's not a normal Mission!
HELP A CITIZEN type of mission always speaking for this thread!
I got it on the previous character I have been leveling but I seem to not get it with the current one I'm running the MC ones right now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm suspecting some Help a Citizen missions may have multiple entrance points depending on what the dice roll!
1/3 [Mission Log Lore]
[NPC] ARGENT Agents and Allies: An ARGENT Cyborg has been sent to "rescue" some agents of ARGENT who are due to go on trial soon. Stop him!
• Defeat Argent Rescue Leader
[23:48] [NPC] ARGENT Agents and Allies: Good work! You defeated ARGENT's forces and turned them over to the police!
2/3 [GIFs]
3/3 [Quotes and Commentary]
Mechenforcer: Engaging Defenses
Soldier: We better be getting paid extra for this job!
Counteragent: This should be me!
Counteragent: You got any last words, hero?
Combat Engineer: You're going to regret making an enemy out of ARGENT, pinhead!
Time Bomb: Countdown 3...
Time Bomb: 2...
Time Bomb: 1...
Cyborg: Hurry up! It's just a matter of time before some superjerk shows up to try to stop us.
Cyborg: You got any last words, hero?
Loving those Libraries!
It's a pleasant building with a lot of bookshelves and couches for the guest to sit down and relax
Now idea what the Counteragent's deal is with the Statue! Probably he wish he was that famous
Rotating the screenshot reveals the actual titles
Designing Web Sites that work! USABILITY FOR THE WEB
Insect Disease and Weed I.D. Guide
Boot Cillaring? Prime end soldier? I'm not sure what I'm reading here in the other 2
Something went wrong with the texture here
Thanks to looking up at the titles on Google, you can see the real life books they are reference to
I mean, is there a specific area in the Desert where some NPC gives the mission? Or can it be any NPC anywhere in the Desert? I've done hundreds of missions in the Desert and have never received a mission to go into a cave in the oasis area.
I have been collecting the Desert Citizen mission from the trapped tourists around Ascii for Trouble Open Mission! There are 3 Groups near the OM! Possible from the Citizens around stronghold prison as well
May be level gated and I can get it after level 30
1/3 [Mission Log Lore] [NPC] Weird PSIence: There's a conference in town for scientists studying ways to inhibit psionic and superhuman powers! PSI isn't very happy about it and found them when they were out seeing the sights. Get in there and save those scientists from PSI!
• Rescue Scientist (0/3)
[0:01] [NPC] Weird PSIence: Good work! You crushed PSI's egoists and sent them off with the police in power dampeners!
2/3 [GIFs]/b]
3/3 [Quotes and Commentary
Inductee: How long do you think before PSI takes over the world?
Inductee: I'm pretty sure CHAMPION is too chicken to take on PSI.
Neophyte: Boss Said Guard the door
Hypnotist: You want to interfere with PSI? That's a good way to end up dead!
Millennium City Scientist: You're making a big mistake keeping me here against my will!
Millennium City Scientist: If I only had superpowers, I'd be like you!
Millennium City Scientist: Thank you so much for Saving me!
Inductee: You just walked into a death trap, CHAMPION!
Millennium City Scientist: I’m going to tell everyone that CHAMPION saved me!
Millennium City Scientist: My fellow scientists are not going to believe this story!
However I'm not done yet with Museum Missions but unfortunately the GIF's size is getting the thread into dangerous RAM levels (to be fair, I need new PC 2 GB of Ram is worthless)
I wanted to archive ALL the Museums on a Single Thread but i'm not going to post to spam 50 posts like a madman to force a Seconds page!
I really miss the old Page limit U_U
The good news is the non-museum locations are lacking interesting things to show and are have more boring repeating visuals
Next thread i will continue Museum citizen missions on an area that is all but a museum
EDIT: All this time I had Millennium City Misspelled in the title!
I love being Dyslexic with English not being my first language