I’m pretty sure I glitched 3 new alts I created during the Defender event.
Here is what I think happened: Since I have a lifetime account, all my slots are essentially FF slots. That said, I still had some actual FF slots from back before I had the lifetime account, but because they are moot, I don't really pay attention to them. During the event I accidently used these FF slots to build ATs. Now I can't turn them into FFs because the Re-train option is gone on these three, and only these three alts. It's obviously a glitch, but is there a way to fix this?
I fear that the only solution is to delete and start over, but if I do that I will lose some major gear. A lot of it is account bound but the stuff that isn’t, would be tough to replace.
I would save up my Zen for Retrain tokens if I knew that would solve the problem, but I don’t think I’m willing to risk it at the moment.
It looks like the only solution is to delete the alt and lose the gear and start over.