Hey all, I've been playing this game for a long time, but this is my first time posting to the forums.
The nemesis system is easily one of my favorite aspects of Champions Online, if not my straight-up favorite! I mean, the idea of making your own villain, with as much detail as your hero, and then getting to fight that villain in-game? Frickin' awesome! It's one of the things that won me over from a certain other superhero MMO that had no such feature in it~
As much as I love it though, there are always things that could be added or changed to make it even better, and over time, I've thought up a number of ideas for improvements that would make the nemesis system really shine!
First off: more minion options. Of all the aspects of nemesis creation, I agonize over the minion choice the most. At a glance there seem to be ample options to fit a wide variety of villain concepts... but nevertheless, I always find that none of them quite fit what I have in mind for my nemesis. Some of the options available are kinda out there, too; robots and thugs are alright, but cowboys? Maybe someone out there has a hero that trades punches with a rootin' tootin' outlaw desperado... in... modern day Millennium City... but they seem like an oddly niche choice to me.
My ideal solution would be custom minions that you could design yourself, but it's my understanding that storing the data for even two custom characters--the hero and their nemesis--is a strain on the game's capabilities, let alone four more besides. And anyway, I'm probably the only one crazy enough to want to sit through the lengthy, extensive character creation process five times in one sitting...
So instead, I'd be content with simply... more options! I'd particularly love to choose minions from among the enemies we fight in game: VIPER soldiers, PSI goons, Gadroon, Karkaradons, Argent soldiers, Elder Worms, Qliphothic horrors, etc. That way we could make lore-friendly nemeses that intertwine with the rich lore of the game!
There are already Insectoids and Beastmen--basically Qularr and Manimals, respectively--available as options, so one could, for example, create a Qularr general, or Moreau's new favorite hybrid abomination. I'd love to create more nemeses like that; my hero could fight the newest, most vicious VIPER bio weapon, or a mentalist who splintered off from PSI and took some other psionics with her!
These could even be made unlockable options too, purchasable from the Nemesis Vendor for Nemesis Tokens. Or, say, a reasonable amount of Questionite, along with a requisite perk.
Outside of that, though, there's still plenty of minion concepts I'd love to see added. A basic psionic minion, like the flaming minions, frozen lackeys and charged dynamos; tintable psychic projections, as though crafted by a master illusionist to fight for them; simple "men in black," in sharp suits; the black-garbed thugs that roam the streets during Nighthawk's event; some robed cultists... more options, intended to suit more villains!
Another improvement I'd love to see added are more personality types. Mastermind, Maniac and Savage are great, of course, and naturally it would be impossible to cover every possible motivation for a nemesis, but there are a few key personality types that I think would fit well alongside the existing three, and give us more options for our baddies.
A few examples:
The Gangster--someone like Kevin Poe, who cracks wise and hurls ominously creative threats at the hero. They're clearly in this for the money and influence.
The Professional--a la Steel Commando. A nemesis for whom villainy is just business, and who regards the hero with cold indifference--or at worst, mild annoyance.
The Alien--like the Qularr, or the Gadroon. They reference "hyoo-mans" a lot in their dialogue, usually in the context of how pathetic they are, and openly threaten global domination and the enslavement of the human race.
The Flirt--a sensuous, sultry type. Someone who's clearly kind of into the hero, even as they're trying to kill them, and who may just be doing all this evil to gain the hero's attention.
The Sorcerer--for a nemesis that's not terribly dissimilar to the Mastermind, just with a more mystical bent. Someone who speaks like an evil wizard--because they are an evil wizard--and clearly lusts for magical power.
These are just a few ideas, of course, which could add a lot of new depth to a nemesis' schemes and plots, and open the way for many more villainous concepts!
And lastly, of course, I'd love more nemesis missions themselves! The current crop are great, of course, but more opportunities to fight our evil progeny would be most appreciated!
There are opportunities, I feel, to weave nemesis confrontations into other missions as well. Perhaps they could make an appearance in a UNITY special assignment (another underrated part of the game which I love, and which I feel could use some TLC, but that's for another post). I also had a thought that, in some new Adventure Pack, there could be a threat so dire and far-reaching that the hero and villain are forced to call a truce, and you'd get to actually fight alongside your nemesis! Before, you know, they inevitably betray you and you have to fight them, but hey, that's a villain for you~
I know this is a lot to ask, especially for a part of the game that tends to take a backseat to endgame content in terms of popularity, but I hope someone on the dev team at least considers some of this; there are dozens of us, DOZENS!! who love nemesis content, and I'd be delighted to see this underloved part of the game get a little attention!
the closest thing we got was them adding an alert for them and Save the Earth. That's all your going to get. It's on the player wish list up there with a customizable sidekick and a Hideout you can decorate yourself.