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To Return or Not to Return... That is the Question

So this is my second attempt at returning to the game. I was around during beta and played off and on for the first couple of years. A few years ago I tried coming back but found out to my dismay that they were no longer offering monthly subs, only lifetime subs. That killed my interest in returning. So here I am again finally, ready to try it again.

My main concern is converting all of my gold chars. to silver. How will that affect them? Right now I have absolutely no access to them, and it also appears that my only choice is to purchase Zeni and unlock (downgrade to silver) them at a rate of $10 per char.


  • pallierpallier Posts: 78 Arc User
    if they were freeform you'll have to chose an AT for them and you will lose all customization of powers and stuff until you spend zen to buy the 1 time pack in the zen shop. you can pay one time to convert them to freeform instead of an AT and then you won't lose anything on that character but its pay per character. you can convert just 1 or 2 and farm questionite in the game then trade it for Zen and use that to do the others so you don't pay as much. you just have to play often on the ones you do pay money to unlock. I myself bought the lifetime sub 10 years ago and the monthly stipend of free Zen has more than been paid for. the game is still playable because they do official costume contest and they are really keeping up with events. they haven't added new stuff to the zen store in a while unless its linked to a costume box. All the new costumes come in the lockboxes.
    Oh Atari how I miss you!
  • rykus83rykus83 Posts: 337 Arc User
    I'm going to ask a question related to the OP's question I also played alot off and on before they got rid of the monthly sub so I to have a bunch of FF toons was wondering what power type would be best to unlock for the questionite farming to unlock the others? I got like 20 toons so I probably have some thing that will work.
  • rhymere#3035 rhymere Posts: 486 Arc User
    There's a free freeform slot right now if that's appealing to you
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