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What is the purpose of the 8000 questionite cap? At this point you should double it.

As the title states, what is the purpose of the 8000 questionite cap and why is it so low considering you can make over 20k questionite a day solely from doing cosmics and dailies? Should definitely increase the cap, or maybe make the cap redundant after level 40?


  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    If one has the Life Time Subscription the amount is 16,000/day. Even so, that really isn't enough. When I am final gearing a character I might do cosmics (10,500) + 2 x serials (10,000) + qwz dailies (3000) in a day. Add in the 3x regular dailies (3000) I do when I can get Vigilance quest (6000), and the 5 day Long War bonus (1000). By the time I finish gearing I usually have at least 150,000 unrefined Q to deal with. So, I have to remember to log into that one character for at least 9 days to refine the backlog, and that assuming I don't acquire anymore on that character in the mean time.

    Over the years, the Devs have given us the ability to rack up hordes of Q but have not done anything to help with the refining. Personally, I think they chould just get rid of the cap. There's never really been a point to it at all.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • wingedkagoutiwingedkagouti Posts: 566 Arc User
    The cap was set to limit the influx of refined Questionite into the economy. And the economy can barely handle the amount already pouring into it, since there's not much to spend it on unless you're looking to unlock every single travel power and alternate material.
  • godhandxiiigodhandxiii Posts: 98 Arc User
    It limits how much Questionite goes active into the economy. Also acts as a timegate against grinding.

    Unless they put in more Qnite sinks, removing the cap would just reduce the value of Qnite even more. I'd rather not have devalued Qnite flooding the market, and having this happen to CO's exchange.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    However, there is a value cap on the Q exchange set at 500. So, no matter how much you refine, that limit puts a lock on how much it will be devalued when selling it. Since there's virtually nothing I want from the Q store (Spark Shields for my tank army) itself and I have everything I want from the TPB store, I just sell it all for Zen whenever I rack up 1,000,000 Q.

    To put it another way, I could earn 25,000 Q a day on a single character and run up a backlog that I have to deal with by not playing the character, or I could earn 12,500 Q a day on 2 characters and refine it all in one day. Given that, I don't see the point to the daily limit.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • godhandxiiigodhandxiii Posts: 98 Arc User
    Having a 500 cap doesn't stop it from devaluing, though. It just makes that 500 worth a lot less, like that screen crop I posted.
  • wingedkagoutiwingedkagouti Posts: 566 Arc User
    jaazaniah1 wrote: »
    However, there is a value cap on the Q exchange set at 500. So, no matter how much you refine, that limit puts a lock on how much it will be devalued when selling it. Since there's virtually nothing I want from the Q store (Spark Shields for my tank army) itself and I have everything I want from the TPB store, I just sell it all for Zen whenever I rack up 1,000,000 Q.
    What you seem to fail to understand is that it will just end up creating a massive backlog of offers to sell a bunch of Q for Z at the cap. That's what the screenshot is showing (for Neverwinter, which uses the same style of economy with the same cap).

    That's 17 million Astral Diamonds (their equivalent of Questionite) not selling for the capped 500 AD per Zen ratio, they're just hanging out in the exchange waiting for someone to drop 34k Zen. Which means that if someone makes a new listing of AD for sale, they won't see any Zen until the 17 mil AD that were there first are gone. In essence, AD is worthless in NW since new players can't actually exchange it for Zen.

    If players could just grind as much refined Q as they wanted every day, the market would over time be useless to casual players as the heavy duty grinders would just create a massive backlog as shown in that image. This in turn would mean that there'd be little reason for new players to attempt to save up for items in the Z store with the Q they earn, for some the ability to slowly earn stuff from the Z store via normal gameplay is a reason to keep playing.

    If the value of Q started plummeting below 300 due to useful items in the Q store, you'd have a great argument for increasing the refinement cap. At that point there'd be something to spend Q on, so it will be able to hold value better. Something like "1 month of Gold status for 500,000 Q" would probably be a fairly big drain on the Q stockpile.
  • metalheart#4270 metalheart Posts: 1,114 Arc User
    edited January 2023
    A small attribute of the cap may also serve to get players to log in frequently/daily. Doing too much one time could diminish the online population.
    nJ54tmw.gifThis Is The Ghetto Gothix
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    edited January 2023
    I think a lot of you are not paying attention to my second point. I.e. if players really want to grind a lot of Q per day and dodge the artifical cap they can do it easily by using multiple characters. E.g. one could do the 2 ladyhawk serial missions (takes less than an hour on a good build) on 4 characters and earn 56K Q per day (each set is 500 Q/mission and 5000 to complete the set, so 7000 x 2 = 14K), all of which is refinable. If that's the case, why not let me refine the same amount for 1 character? It's functionally the same thing, but I get to play my favorite character of the moment and don't have to worry about logging in for a week and a half on that character just to refine the Q. If the Devs REALLY cared about the ingame economy they'd put a limit on how much Q per day can be refined by one account, not one character.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    The Trade Paperback Vendor is a good Q sink, when it is available.

    However, it could stand to have more items that are Bind On Equip, so they could be posted in the AH or otherwise bought, sold, or traded.​​

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
  • thisiscraftaaathisiscraftaaa Posts: 263 Arc User
    That's the thing: we already have an abundance of Q sources as they are. Especially with Kaiserin's "my thing must be the thing that everyone plays" mentality ensuring that old sources of various currencies get blown out of the water by anything done up by her, a la Cosmics being the best mixed GCR+SCR+Q source by far for time spent if players know what they're doing, the Serials being so obscenely strong for SCR and Q generation that you can get, in about an hour or so, 15,500Q and... IIRC 54-56 SCR (someone please correct me if I'm getting the numbers there wrong, I'm counting War On Peace's daily as well as War On Peace itself for the total to both those numbers but I'm doing both in my head, should be 15,000Q and 50 SCR otherwise) per day per character you run on.

    But what we don't have are things that are worth spending Q on in the first place, outside of, for most players at least, Zen. Which itself is much, much more limited since it equates mostly to real life currency (and the occasional Lifetimer dumping 500 into the economy a month only once they've gotten the tens of thousands of Zen worth of Z-store unlocks finally purchased, which would take ages off Lifetime alone for one player, let alone the few others per Lifetimer that don't get 500 a month for free, and that's assuming they dump their Zen into Questionite instead of hoarding it to spend on keys for every new Lockbox drop.) At least to my knowledge, the death of the subscriber model was where Questionite inflation started to hit hard in a way that passive Zen accumulation over time and the occasional active spender couldn't quite keep up with, and Kaiserin making obtaining Q easier and easier over the years if-you-run-her-content-just-do-it-I-beg-you, the only thing keeping us from hitting the STO and NWO problem of "nobody has Zen, everybody has fifteen million Q lying around and no use for it because 90% of your uses for Q are Z-store things without spending real-life money" is that we have a comparatively high number of dedicated Lifetimers and big spenders still sticking around for how small the playerbase is, combined with the fact that the 8kQ/character/day limit (16kQ for Lifetimers) is as low as it is, holding back the worst bottleneck when a lot of my more heavily-played characters, personally, have easily built up to hundreds of thousands of unrefined Q in the past even though I'm a Lifetimer just by playing them, at least until I went inactive on them and stopped adding to those numbers.

    What we need is something that isn't limited time, something that isn't effectively gambling (which discourages a lot of people that I've personally talked to on here,) something that isn't outpaced by events, lockboxs and other alternatives, and something that isn't all-or-nothing "spend several million Questionite or you aren't allowed to spend anything at all." Bonus points if it's something that's on a per-character basis, and/or is consumable.

    Limited time axes off things like those multi-million-Q Q-store travel powers as well as the Trade Paperback.
    Gambling axes off the Trade Paperback again.
    "Outpaced by events, lockboxes and other alternatives" axes off the bulk of the Q-store, tossing all the gear in it out the window, all the mods (except for a few vehicle weapons that nobody cares about since vehicles got nerfed into oblivion a long while back,) most of the devices by virtue of most of them being garbage outside of a few situationally-useful things that are probably at this point half of what's fighting Questionite inflation.
    "All or nothing spending" axes off those multi-million-Q Q-store travel powers again.
    That leaves us with, what, just a few of the devices that are actually useful, as well as the several-time purchases of the costume transformations that barely anyone cares about, the (usually, since account-bound-on-equip) one-time purchases of the size-changing auras, the weapon display devices that most people don't care about, the legacy auras of which the free first one is usually all anyone ever thinks about, and the one-time special material purchases? (And the 30-Q-per lockboxes?) That may sound like a lot to you, but that's actually, like, a tenth of the Q-store, and then most of it is just the stuff that nobody cares about.
    There's also things from the SCR/GCR vendor that take Questionite too, a more recent addition but still just one-time purchases that only slow down a player's progress towards "having everything they'll ever need from Questionite," rather than giving them something to spend on that isn't just "trading that to someone else so THEY'LL be closer to having all they'll ever need from Questionite" anyways.

    What we need are more consumables, better Q-store gear and potentially mods, for the weaker Q-store devices to be buffed or for another easy solution (like throwing the limited-time Bloodmoon devices in there, which would be VERY nice all around,) and more active sources of Q consumption, like for example, a Q equivalent of the Phoenix Tear device (which eats a tiny bit of your GCR every time you use it but self-rezzes you on an obscenely short cooldown.) Until we get more good ways to spend Q, and just one solution alone wouldn't work mind you, that 8k/16k cap is just keeping Q from descending to worthlessness instantly, as well as keeping every last bit of Zen from instantly being drained out of existence and leaving only something like
    behind, like the Exchange equivalent of a neutron star of unpenetratable Questionite that shreds the spaceship-wallets of any new player coming close seeking to mine that sweet, sweet Questionite for themselves, aaand the analogy is falling apart already. Maybe like a black hole? Questionite falls into that dark, one-way abyss of an exchange, but no Zen ever comes out, not for anyone? Yeah, that holds up under a little more pressure. That would make it near-impossible for anyone to get Zen without spending real world $$$, especially since the Q-per-Z is capped at 500-to-1 meaning Q would be so common that people who might want to sell their Zen would be discouraged in turn because they'd be being forced to take a very bad deal.
    The fact that the forums refuse to tell you how close you are to the character/post size limit until you attempt to post something that happens to be too big- and the automated spam filter will immediately completely lock you out of posting long-term if you attempt to post or edit posts too close to the character limit- is genuine agony.

    This is my cry for help
  • wingedkagoutiwingedkagouti Posts: 566 Arc User
    jaazaniah1 wrote: »
    I think a lot of you are not paying attention to my second point. I.e. if players really want to grind a lot of Q per day and dodge the artifical cap they can do it easily by using multiple characters.
    The main difference between grinding with one character and grinding with more is how much time (and/or currency) has to be spent gearing up those characters before they can grind efficiently. Also, there's the build factor going on, not every AT or freeform build is equally good at grinding the various sources of Q, so unless you play the same AT/build on your grind characters you're going to see a variation in speed.

    And once you start talking about grinding with more than 2 characters, your proposal would limit it to those who spend real money and those who have already attained more characters. Because new players would not be able to earn any Z from the Q they grind, so they can not unlock additional character slots without spending real money (or hoping for a seasonal gift from the devs).
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