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What are the best Archetypes for each role?


  • sopakuxsopakux Posts: 1 Arc User
    I would like to know as well!!
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,884 Arc User
    edited January 2023
    Defining 'the best' for a Hybrid AT is a bit weird, since Hybrids are by design not 'the best' at anything. If you wanted a sturdy and relatively strong Hybrid-dps then I'd still mainly recommend The Savage, while The Specialist is decent for a ranged + melee mix w/ options, and for a ranged unit (w/ some support options) The Impulse is now a good deal better after the Force revamp.

    For Support, it kinda depends on what 'style' of healing you like. For a life-drain style build, either The Witch or The Tenebrous can be good for that. For a more conventional healer style, The Radiant is still decent overall, and The Mind is good if you want a more defensive healer w/ some CC options (it has no ally rez, though).

    For Tanks, I'd prob pass on any dodge/LR-based tanks- not that LR sucks (it can be good for general content), but it is more rng-based by nature. The Behemoth is a good general Might/melee tank, while The Rockstar is a solid HW-based alternative to it. The ranged tanks have a few more issues to them, and I wouldn't recommend them as much (unless you're doing easier content, and then any of them can work- though I'd avoid taking Upheaval on The Mountain in particular).

    For DPS, most of them are actually quite good at what they do now (assuming you don't mind a glass-cannon playstyle for most of them), since many have also been updated w/ their corresponding power revamps. The only one of the Melee DPS that I wouldn't recommend as much is The Penitent (mainly cause of Gauntlet Chainsaw's energy cost), while the rest can be good, depending on your priorities.
    It's a similar thing for the Ranged DPS. Most can be good-great, though I prob wouldn't suggest The Squall as much overall (Wind hasn't really been revamped as a set yet).

    Some of this will also depend on what specific power choices you make w/ the ATs (and also what your goals for the character are, and what stats you prioritize). If you want more detailed builds and advice for a particular AT, then I'd recommend posting a request for that on the Builds & Roles sub-forum.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • bedbugsnballyhoobedbugsnballyhoo Posts: 1 Arc User
    Rangned Dps, Scourge / Cursed. lots of overlapping powers, but the dps output is strong. The soldier would be my runner up for pure fun powers.

    Melee dps, Devastator, even though it needs a single target attack for bosses.

    Tank, The Behemoth, hands down the winner.

    Hybrid, Specialist, tons of fun and good for soloing.

    Support Tenebrous, it's fun to level and you never get a useless power. Every power still has a purpose at 40. I also want mention the Inventor as the most fun leveling journey that I had until the somewhere in the thirty's when it started to show all of it's faults.
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