Hi, i'am a returning player from old champion's online.
I wanted to create a new chars and saw you need to buy a freeform slot.
I just did it when i was logged to my old chars and when i logged him out, i saw the slot without a problem,
I wanted to reset my progression and deleted my old chars for make a new one on the freeform slot but now, i lost it ? all my slot are normal in characters selection now ?
You can see my shop history,
I can't make ticket because it seems to be bugged and tell me i'am disconnected everytime i goes to the GM ticket menu,
I need a solution please,
If you aren't able to submit an ingame ticket, submit one through the website for help with the issue: https://support.arcgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
First i though i lost it because i deleted my last chars but i saw on the shop than a Freeform slot is definitive,
I think i got a bug actually