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Tanking Gear/Build/Stats for Rockstar AT

tomqqtomqq Posts: 21 Arc User
I got my 2nd character at lvl 40 and i really enjoy the Rockstar AT until now and im planning to start doing some cosmic to get some gear for him.

Current Spec

Currently im planning to get/buy some mercenary/remarkable for Primary gear to start
Offense Mod = Hate
Defense Mod - Health
Utility = Cant decide if i want cd reduction or power cost reduction

Secondary is all OV pieces but im planning to get the Determination Utility for the extra health

1) What is a decent health number i have to aim to be a proper tank in cosmic ?
i seen people with 14-15k and others with 18+k , also on the pinned guide its suggested to get atleast 17k+
What is the balance between Str and Const mod for tanking ? Max the Const and ignore Str or not ?

2) What is a decent Defense number to aim for my current stat/gear and when i got max cosmic gear ? Focus more on defense or slot mostly health mods generally ?

3) Choosing proper cosmic gear ?
I heard on the past that alot of people where mixing 2 Virtuous pieces and 1 Distinguished piece to get the critical piece but since lately they put some extra stuff on cosmic gear i dont know if that viable so i should go with full Disting gear or something else ?

4) When is a good time to start trying to be near main tank and help generally ?
I know Kiga is soloable but at Ape/Dino it helps to mitigate the dmg , so does my Blue/OV set as it is now will be okey or i should wait to gt 2 pieces of cosmic gear 1st ?

5) Any good devices that i should aim for ? like some healing or something that will help me on the fights ?

if you have anything else that can help me or suggest or alter my current specs on the AT feel free to do.


  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,887 Arc User
    edited October 2022
    Well, I can't really help you much w/ regards to gearing and general strats for tanking cosmics, as I don't have much experience there. But I could help you a bit in terms of the AT's build structure itself. You may want to consider taking the newer Bold Entrance adv on Vicious Decent (instead of picking Decimate), and you could also get its KD and/or Work Up adv. I'd also get Arc of Ruin over Hyper Voice. Arc of Ruin (w/ both advs) can be a decent melee pbAoE, taps of it can be used for the No Quarter debuff, and taps of it can also refresh CFlames w/o needing to go through Cleave's slow combo to re-apply it (also means that you can drop Cleave to R1, since you ideally only need it to put up CFlames during the opener, and then Arc taps can refresh it). Since Brimstone has a cd now, I may pass on using it, unless you want to employ its healing rune adv (though that takes a full charge, and that could be an issue if you have to block often). R3 of Resurgence is more likely to be over-healing, so you can also drop that to R2 to free up some adv points.

    Good luck in your tanking endeavors, regardless 8)
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • tomqqtomqq Posts: 21 Arc User
    When i was leveling the powers you mention was too much energy demand and i avoid them and the HyperVoice was nice to tag enemies on events scoring but i guess your idea/concept is nice and il try it to see how it will go compared on my current setup.

    Thanks for the reply :)
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,887 Arc User
    Yea, they may be harder to level with, considering the energy costs (it's not that unusual to have some energy issues when leveling, or even to use a different build for leveling vs. at max level). Once you get decent gear at high levels you should be able to afford those powers a good deal more (cost discount rating on gear, some Rec for Pulverizer, and Str for Enrage can all help w/ energy management). Blocking incoming dmg can also give you a lot of extra energy to work with. Hope you can make it work, either way.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
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