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Ultimate Kick Powers?

bladedragon80bladedragon80 Posts: 146 Arc User
Hearing someone going "Rider Kick" made me realize we are pretty lacking on the Kick based Ultimate Powers. We got a few for punching and such, but yeah. Could use a few. So here's some thoughts off hand.

Jumping to a flying kick of course. Maybe a nice explosion animation at the end like Unleashed Might? Could even tie it into the Martial Arts frameworks or not.

A nice big side kick. Maybe have them charging it up somehow by standing in stance or crouching down a bit before unleashing it. Something like an alternate to Final Punch.

Rapid kicking animation ala what Catastrophic Pummeling does now. Seriously. How come you haven't done this? Doesn't even have to be a certain fighting game's. Could be rapid roundhouse alternating on the sides.

Hope to see the Devs do something with these 'cause they're too classy to not do and I'm wondering why it's not been done already.
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