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Invisible Capes for Cape Glide

dialamxdialamx Posts: 940 Arc User
We keep getting these Arm Accessory capes and wings, and we have no TPs that really fit for them. Cape Glide would, but we're forced to have a cape. It's been suggested, for a long time now, to either have a capeless version, or fix it so it doesn't force a cape on you. Since it seems that will never happen, can we at least get either an invisible cape, or the option to use Holoforce/Psionic materials on capes, so we can make them invisible. Then we can finally have a TP to use with our Arm Accessory pieces.


  • almightenalmighten Posts: 38 Arc User
    I can really go for this; plenty of times I do not want a cape with my costumes. =)
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