I suggest a Travel Power Varient Device that is for acrobatics but pressing Spacebar while in the air toggles the character into a slow motion glide. The character will descend to the ground very slowly but pressing Spacebar again could snap out off glide mode.
The main idea of the power is to appear as slow motion fighting while in mid air.
Ground+Spacebar > Jump > Air+Space= Toggle on Glide/Float/Hover:
Toggle On with No direction keys = Mid air Hover slower descend = For scouting, avoid mooks
Toggle on+Direction keys = Faster glide and increasing descend speed= For traveling
I may also note that all teleport powers have a similar glide ability after deactivated. The deference is I want it on acrobatics.
Idk if they would do this but the device being active in combat has a 15% chance to snare enemies. Just to make them move slower than you.
This Is The Ghetto Gothix
The reason teleport has a slow fall is because it allows "flight" and players could be in a spot of trouble if they use teleport to get up a building or some such and the power turns off if they fall at full speed. The slow fall effect gives them time to re-activate the power.
No other travel power that I can think of has a limited time effect. You turn them on and they stay on absent a power or effect that forces them off. Only teleport works for a limited time by design. It needs that slowfall at the end to really work at all as designed.
When you say it's not ideal for travel. I would counter ague that not all Travel powers need to function the same. When I unlock everything I'll need more variety. I also mentioned the power was acrobatic speed and power doesn't move slow unless you decide to hover by pressing spacebar a second time while in the air. Pressing and holding space bar will just to a normal jump.
I already know why teleport works the way it does.
It's more for looking cool. Like a vanity device but I could try to bargain small combat effect. These TPVDs may have power effects. For this one specific is a chance to slow the enemy. But Idk what the devs are willing to do.