Howdy folks. I'm doing Cosmics with my Inferno. I followed a build suggestion and gave it to him: Armadillo's Ring, Boots and Glasses; and Heroic Gloves of Precision, Breastplate of Defense and Helmet of Utility. It helped A LOT. Now I can survive and get rewards from Kiga, Ape and Dino. But in Eido... I'm dying a lot and not getting rewards.
Which gear I should buy now?
| Vulkan, the fiery faun | Lionmaru, the himbo lion | Golden Kalf, the bull of heaven | Phorbas, the horned archer | Tiger Claw, the kung fu disco guy | Herakles, the... well, the Herakles | Winterwind, the god who came from the cold | Pogo, my werewolf fursona | Vulkann, Vulkan from another universe | Zardoz, the half demon mage | Urho, the telepath in leather | Moonshadow, the werewolf rocker |
Thanks. That's exactly where I was dying lol. Eido mechanics are really complicated. I'll do what you said.
But... I'm still lost at what gear should I get after Heroic and Armadillo.
Ok, I asked to some friends online and read some posts here in the forums and this is what I'm thinking right now. Feel free to give your opinions. I'm doing Cosmics, grinding medals and using the Champion Recognition Vendor.
Primary Gear: I'm not in the mood to do those particular quests to get specific materials (like Superdense Diamonds) to buy Justice gear, so I'm gonna try Virtuous and Distinguished. I didn't decided each one yet.
Secondary Gear: Apparently the Cosmic items have better stats than Armadillo, and I already got a Cosmic Vision of Rage that dropped.
I wonder... will all this gear improve my damage? I'm still in the half bottom of the damage list in Cosmics.
Thank you so much, I'm already grinding the currencies.
Firstly, ATs are always going to be inherently limited to some degree or another, all held back by the fact that they can't be the holy mixed 1hblade + unarmed MA or bestial Cosmic-shredding meta. Ranged in general deals less damage than melee, and fire's damage is naturally middling. Pair that with the fact that the superstats for Inferno are very, very awful, and the spec trees picked out for the AT are somewhat middling, and the sad truth is, if you wind up topscoring as an Inferno (just like as any other low-damage DPS AT) it'll be due to some fluke. Normally, even geared up to an endgame level, you'll be middling the scoreboard. Don't let that discourage you though, in the future a retcon to a freeform fire build will give you much more room to play around with, and in the meanwhile, all this really means is that you'll never be carrying low-damage Cosmics and you'd be complete dead weight if you hopped into a TT run, both of which are... incredibly unfair things to ask of someone who doesn't know exactly what they're doing, and both of which aren't something the bulk of players will ever need to care or think about. Beyond all that, you should still at least be suitable for the rest of the game, including events up to the hardest (the TTAlerts,) and with some squinting, the Qliphothic Warzone, middling the scoreboard at Cosmics and Eidolon, and obviously capable at everything else that comes beneath. All this, I say specifically to dismiss the "anyone can do anything all the time" attitude that I see bouncing around at least in-game all the time, because depending on both your gear, your own personal skill level, and your build, whether AT or FF, there are some things you will or will not be suited to. This is fine. This is how it's supposed to go. It gives you a specific direction to work in.
So, to address the gear topic! Jaazaniah1 already covered that, but I'd like to second his take. Starting out, you'll likely be where you're at now. Generally, on the cheap end, most people start out with stock blues and a stock green utility primary (the level 40 blue primary offense and defense pieces that give +53 of one superstat, and the level 40 green primary utility that gives +47 of one superstat,) kitted out with either R4s or R5s. On the expensive end, usually, people start out in level 40 Heroics kitted out in R5s or R6s, while in the middle ground, many start out with level 40 Fortuitous or level 40 Mercenary in R5s. In all those situations, the secondaries of choice just starting out are usually level 40 purple secondaries, specifically the ones that give you +20 to two superstats, or +37 to one superstat. The go-to set-up is to stack into your toggleform's superstat both on your primaries and secondaries, which I'm sure you're fully aware of, so stacking Rec to the moon in this case, and if you're going for +20/+20 secondaries, or throwing around a few dual-stat mods, you want to blend your toggleform stat and your convenience stat, in this case you'd want to go Rec/Ego. The high stacking of Rec means you'll have pretty much no energy issues, giving you more leeway to go ham on stacking cooldown reduction instead. As is the usual, extra health is far better than extra defense, dodge chance or avoidance unless you're running a dodge build (and fire DPS is very much not a dodge build, also, CCresist is always worthless anyways) so my recommendation would be to adhere to extra health instead; you'll see a marked improvement in your survivability. I know I did when I switched from def stacking to HP stacking gear and core slots.
From there, your potential primary gear upgrades are going to be Legion, Justice, Distinguished or Virtuous, all of which sport 2 core slots and 2 stat slots. All of these except for Legion also sport quite handy set bonuses, so (for the most part, some builds can be odd exceptions, like PA toggle DPS loving to go Justice/Justice/Distinguished Off/Def/Util for free infinite energy) you don't want to mix and match.
To start with, Legion is tradable and so can be purchased from other players, and comes from the Drifter for 300 Drifter Salvage a piece, or from some very old Lockboxes as a purple rarity drop box that gives a random piece of Legion gear (including stats that nobody cares about, like CCresist Defense.) Legion has no set bonus, as mentioned prior, but does at the very least have the same number of slots, and is often used as either a transitory "I don't have my endgame gear yet" set by a select few very rich players, or as an "this is my endgame gear" set by people with some IRL or heaps of in-game money to throw around who don't want to bother with grinding Cosmics and potentially Rampages.
Justice, Distinguished and Virtuous can all be bought from the Champions Recognition Vendor, and sport stats and set bonuses that incline them more towards damage, tanking and healing respectively (though healing is already in a weird spot that makes Virtuous rather worthless, so healers tend to prefer Justice or Distinguished, though that's neither here nor there.) Justice can be purchased for 200 GCR, 400 SCR, and 2 Superdense Diamonds a piece, and additionally, 2 Petrified Scales/Hypercooled Ignimbrites/Destreum Bearings for the Offense/Defense/Utility pieces. Distinguished and Virtuous are just 250 GCR and 500 SCR a piece, with no Rampage Token requirements. SCR comes from a wide variety of places, which I can list off if you need, though if you know even half of them (or if you just turn off your brain and run the Serial missions every day) you'll be swimming in SCR. GCR comes from Cosmics, the Cosmic daily mission, Eidolon, the Eidolon daily mission, Teleios Ascendant, the TA daily mission, and Therakiel's Temple as well as the TT daily mission. For an Inferno that isn't even in Justice/Distinguished let alone accompany wallet-warrior R9s and special non-ranked mods instead of just stock R7s, TT is off the menu completely, but if you can find a team for it, up to three TA runs every 20 hour server block are on the menu. Obviously, you're going to have much better and more reliable luck getting three Cosmics in, as those are generally much easier and so everybody mobs on them as soon as they're up, and occasionally you might get an Eidolon in. TT rewards cap at 1/server block, TA caps at 3/block, Cosmics cap at 3/block, and Eidolon caps at 1/block. Regardless, with that knowledge alone, you're already set to grind towards the engame gearset of your choice.
Gearing them, whether you're aiming for Legion, Justice, Distinguished or Virtuous, in a "standard" setup, you're likely looking at full Recovery mods to stack your toggleform higher, with a Gambler's Lucky Gem and a Severity Core for your offense primary, two Growth Amulets for your defense primary, and a Qwyjibo's Fury paired with a mod of your choice in the last slot, likely an Impact Prism for more cooldown reduction or a Veteran's Core if you're a Lifetimer. All of these should ideally be R7, though it's not strictly necessary; only highly recommended, as that's part of the gap between these gearsets and lesser counterparts. If you're minmaxing to full R9s, just hypothetically, then you're still looking at Recovery mods, but you might sprinkle in one or two Recovery/Ego mods into your primary set as well because of diminishing returns and all their nastiness, or potentially even Recovery/Dex. Instead of a Gambler's and Sev Core in your offense, you'd be running a Depleted Uranium Core and a Coruscating Might R9. You'd be running a Brilliance and a Veteran's Core in your defense, and your utility would have a Qwyjibo's Fury R9 paired with an Impact Prism R9 since you can't exactly blend powersets as an AT (otherwise you'd be using a Qwyjibo's Fury and the matching mod for whatever other set you leaned heavily into.) Of course, really, R7s are as far as you'll need to go; R9s are for people desperate to claw their way to the top of the scoreboard and edge ahead just a few percent from those below them, and at that point, you'd also not be running an Inferno because an Inferno doesn't parse good and thus doesn't score good.
Your potential secondary gear upgrades are going to be Legion, Determination, Cosmic, Onslaught and Eidolon. (TT secondaries are currently a work-in-progress on Kaiserin's part to try and draw people back into running TT, they'll be similar to Eidolon secondaries from how it's looking so far, but they're a ways out still it seems.)
Legion secondaries come from the same places Legion primaries come from (old Lockboxes, 200 Drifter Salvage instead of 300 from the Drifter,) do not provide any superstats directly but instead have an Enhancement slot that only goes up to R3, to go with any non-Superstat bonuses they provide. Given how they're obtained, most people don't even acknowledge them as really being an upgrade from stock purple +37 or +20/+20 secondaries, and I'd advise you ignore them too.
Determination secondaries are a rare drop (the exact type picked at random) from Teleios Ascendant, but can also be purchased from the Champions Recognition Vendor for 100 GCR and 200 SCR a piece. They're similar to Legion secondaries, but have better innate stats, and sport one Enhancement slot each that goes up to R5 instead of R3. Since they're exponentially easier and cheaper to obtain than Legion secondaries, they're a common go-to for many end-gamers, and they're also noteworthy for the "Bolstering Eyepiece of Determination" utility piece, which gives extra health as an innate stat instead of a heightened increase to other energy or cooldown-related utilities, and as such is a very popular pick for tanks and healers, as well as DPSes prioritizing more tank than spank.
Cosmic secondaries are a rare drop from Cosmics. The offense pieces drop from Qwyjibo, the defense pieces drop from Teleiosaurus, and the utility pieces drop from Kigatilik. They come in two flavors each; the "Wrath" variety gives +46 to whatever your primary superstat is (your Rec as an Inferno,) and the "Rage" variety gives +24 to each of your secondary superstats (End and Ego as an Inferno.) Additionally, each one has has a single Core slot that goes up to R5 and cannot slot "multi core mods" like Gambler's Lucky Gems, Growth Amulets, etcetera; only type-specific core mods like Severity Cores, set-specific damage cores like Qwyjibo's Fury (before you say anything, these don't stack, sadly, so you can't slap a R7 in your primary and a R5 in one of these and benefit from both,) Health Cores, and the likes... most of the good ones of which don't really drop anywhere and have to be bought with 1 GCR + 1 SCR per R3 from the Champions Recognition Vendor. Between this fact and being strongarmed into boosting either just your PSS or both your SSSes, Cosmic secondaries tend to be more of an "I was too lazy to grind for Onslaught and Determination, and too poor to buy Eidolon off someone else" set of secondaries than anything else. While still entirely usable, and depending on how you slice it, actually better than the others for some builds, in this particular case, as a DPS and as an Inferno at that, this is likely a waste of time and Globals for you.
Onslaught secondaries are exclusively from the Onslaught system, which was an attempt quite a few years back to create some weird sort of pseudo-world-boss PvP system. Its intended use quickly fell out of style in favor of people just cooperating (most of the time) to grind Onslaught secondaries, which are in (most) situations objectively the best for your role outside of potentially Eidolon. And as an Inferno, these will definitely be your best bet. The offense pieces come in just one flavor for each role: melee DPS, ranged DPS, tank and healer. Melee DPS and tank are the best, or rather, the biggest game-changers, but ranged DPS and healer are decent as well. Each has a specific innate ability to it, in addition to a generic minor defense buff, and an Enhancement slot that accepts only up to R5 Enhancements. The defense and utility pieces are much more normal though; just providing defense, plus whatever stats are relevant to them, and a R5 Enhancement slot. Most people who don't bother with full R9s stop on Onslaught primaries, occasionally mixing in a Determination or Cosmic piece depending on exactly how their build works. Each of these pieces can be obtained for precisely 5000 Onslaught Villain tokens from any Onslaught Vendor, several of which are scattered across the city at various locations (including the one most people care about inside the Recognition building, right next to the Champions Recognition Vendor.) Doing OVs is something that, if you don't already know how to do it, is honestly better seen than explained through text, so if you don't have a solid handle on getting 50 OV tokens minimum and dipping out, best to ask someone in-game to show you, or just lurk near the two UNTIL Defenders in front of the UNTIL building and follow anyone that shows up to do OVs and watch what they do.
Eidolon secondaries are a very rare drop from Eidolon specifically, down in the Qliphothic Warzone. They can also be bought from Imperium, a vendor in the QWZ that only becomes available when you've beaten Eidolon at least once on whichever character you're checking him on, though they cost 250 GCR, 500 SCR, and 50 Qliphothic Essence (a reward from the Eidolon daily mission, which goes on 20-hour cooldown the moment you accept it, so unless you eviscerate your sleep schedule you can only do it once a day at the most) each. Unlike each of the other secondaries I listed, Eidolon secondaries are a three-piece set that come in three flavors. Eternal, Endless and Nightmare. The set bonuses of each are exclusive and cannot be mixed and matched, so you can't slot two Eternals and one Nightmare, or one Endless and two Nightmares, or any other mixture thereof. However, their set bonuses are as follows; they have no 2-piece bonus, but their 3-piece bonuses are +1000 health, +50 to each of your Superstats, and the ability to reduce the cooldown of your Ultimate by 2 seconds every 5 seconds if you proc their activation condition. Eternal procs when you fully charge a charge power, Endless procs when you finish a combo, and Nightmare procs when you fully maintain a maintain power. The trade-off to these absolutely awesome set bonuses is that none of these pieces have any innate stats at all; only a core mod slot that goes up to R9. All in all, that means that there's almost no reason to use anything less than all three pieces of any of the three sets, which makes these incompatible with other secondary sets, which is why melees (who benefit far more from Onslaught's offense piece ability) almost never use Eidolon secondaries, and tanks likewise do the same unless they're going full R9s. Healers and ranged DPSes have more wiggle room, but unless you're minmaxing, Eidolon secondaries aren't even worth acknowledging since half of their performance is tangled up in getting ahold of them when each one is worth, depending on market saturation, anywhere from 1.5kG to 5kG or so, finishing a set is a game of RNG unless you really do an Eidolon a day for 50 days straight on one character just to finish the last piece in a set, and even once you've got them, you're still effectively wasting them unless you're slotting R9s. Again, these are for minmaxers, mostly, and an Inferno just isn't worth minmaxing on in the first place unless you're doing it out of spite. Not to mention, a third of the draw of Eidolon secondaries is how they can quickly chunk down the cooldown of your Ultimate, letting you spam it more often, but Inferno doesn't have an Ultimate right now (here's to hoping ATs get updated with ults, but that'll probably never happen,) and there aren't any PVDs that match with Inferno to give them a device-based Ultimate as of the time of my writing this.
So, with all that said? My recommendation would be, in addition to what I described for your primaries, to go for Onslaught secondaries, specifically Gloves of the Sniper (the ranged DPS offense piece,) Tights of Fitness (bonus health and defense from this defense piece is way more useful than the dodge alternative unless you're a dodge tank, and again, CC resist is worthless,) and Mask of Speed (you should be fine as far as energy costs go due to Rec stacking, so the cooldown reduction will benefit your DPS more, though it's a small-enough difference that you'd be fine going for any of these utility secondary options.) If you're still having problems dying, then you could go for a Bolstering Eyepiece of Determination for your utility secondary instead. In either case, I'd advise slotting R5 Rec/Ego dual-stats into each piece, too.
Beyond what I just described, doing Cosmics is mostly just about paying attention and knowing what to do. If there's too little healing going around at Kigatilik, you block during storms. Eidolon likes forcing people to run out of his Shards of Oblivion circle, and for that, a R3 travel power will save you far more than having better gear will. Just remember, unless you have lighting fast reflexes, you might get clipped by one or two hits of it at the end, so holding down block when you get near the edge can help a lot. Super/Mach Speed and/or Teleport are your friends here. Simple little things like that, just knowing when to run to or from something and when to block, will save your score drastically more than better gear will. And, when in doubt? A Second Wind or other dime-a-dozen disposable healing item can and will save you in a pinch, especially since as an Inferno you have no Active Defense (especially no Resurgence) to use.
Finally, I'd like to note that a sad fact of the matter is such; if you have a bad connection to CO's servers, you're screwed. Nothing much you can do to survive fast attacks from Cosmics and others with 800 ping. Though from the sounds of it, with you not dying at Cosmics any more, lag isn't an issue!
So, I've covered all the bases I can think of here; if anyone could let me know if I missed something noteworthy, do say so or just post the missing information, and do correct me if I'm wrong about something!
This is my cry for help
The 1st paragraph starts a bit harsh, lol ... but that's exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks, I prefer to be realistic and aware of the limits and possibilities.
And about the most complete gear/mods/content guide, thank you SO MUCH!