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Types of damage. Defense mods.

lynxeyed86lynxeyed86 Posts: 44 Arc User
edited April 2022 in Power Discussion
Hi, guys. I came across a graph of damage types: physical, paranormal, etc. (thanks to the person with the nickname "nacito"). Is there any way to clarify which powers are used by which enemies (PVE, ofc)? In order to usefully apply defense modes (mithridatism, for example).



  • spookyspectrespookyspectre Posts: 646 Arc User
    I don't know that anyone has documented the various damage types used by mobs in PVE. You can see the damage type used in your combat log and may need to do some investigating or ask about specific mobs/bosses to see if folks can help out.
  • zwipezantherzwipezanther Posts: 109 Arc User
    Looking at the chart, "Ego" is for the Mentalist powers, I assume?
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,887 Arc User
    Looking at the chart, "Ego" is for the Mentalist powers, I assume?
    Yea, it refers to the Ego-typed dmg found in TP and TK, not to the basic stat called Ego.
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  • nacito#6758 nacito Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited June 2022
    hey that's me!

    I've been paying attention to that for a while thanks to me trying dps tanking (hey that was useful at the end)
    strongest damages straight up are cosmics

    main 4 open world are

    dino slashing/bits of toxic for ranged
    ape crushing/bits of fire for ranged
    kiga cold/bits of piercing
    eido dimensional/maybe magic damage?

    then lair bosses

    TT has

    val magic
    fang slashing
    baron magic
    vlad slashing and toxic
    therakiel dimensional and... something else I believe... he always hits twice I assume the other damage is one of the physical kind, maybe crushing or slashing

    if you want to protect yourself from damage you gotta consider your role, if you go tank focus on the main damage of the boss, if you're dps focus on their aoes, there's a LOT of bosses with unique powers and you got to kind of just... figure out yourself as you go, that's what parser is for, but then again people just say f it and go tank with a normal def passive and call it a day :p

    I might add that there's still a couple of defense mods that aren't there, for example, sonic resist or ego resist
    sonic is a very niche damage type for some reason, but ego damage is like... still present a lot in some encounters, like slug in QWZ
    Just another reptile lover, known in game as @nacito

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  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    if you want to protect yourself from damage you gotta consider your role, if you go tank focus on the main damage of the boss, if you're dps focus on their aoes, there's a LOT of bosses with unique powers and you got to kind of just... figure out yourself as you go, that's what parser is for, but then again people just say f it and go tank with a normal def passive and call it a day :p

    That's me. I can't be bothered to get mutiple pieces of gear for defense against specific bosses. Most of my tanks just go for 1 R7 Growth and 1 R7 Impact. Never seem to have any problems (but I don't do TT). Always happy to sell those R7 fire, cold and toxic defense mods that I accumulate to those who want them. My enjoyment of the game comes from having many different characters who can well-handle endgame content but aren't at the tippy-top of the food chain.
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