While the Devs are looking to create a new Fire tree 50' Lunge, to be unlocked in the Champions Recognition Vendor, how about taking a look at making an already existing Recog Vendor DEVICE: Rhino Helm more useful.
The Rhino Helm does a 100' lunge with a 50% chance to knock back 0.9' and applies Disorient. This knockback is pitiful.
The new fire lunge does a knock back to all targets with the distance knocked back (9.9' to 207') based on the characters starting distance from the target.
Suggestion: give this same knockback mechanic to Rhino Helm. It can still just affect a single target, so as to keep it different from the fire lunge power.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle:
@WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"0
Imo this power should have it's damage increase by 10% for every 10ft of charge range.
It should also knockdown every target in it's path that gets hit by the charge.
This sounds like a good way to change it for the better, mostly. Not sure about the increase in damage for every 10'. I think same damage to all it hits should be enough. But, that's a quibble.
It would be an awesome mechanic to have a lunge that is a column attack. Everything in a 3' column is: damaged and knocked down. And retain the 100'.
Of course, what happens if something between you and your target is immune to knock? Does it stop the lunge there? Do they take more damage because of knock immunity?
Next question would be: does it get to retain it's Disorient?
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
There are devices and ultimates doing far more damage in an AoE. So making the damage scale upwards
to 2000 damage at max range really isn't booting it too much.