De La Muerte: Bone Pegasus, Skeleton hands
Problem with Floating Skull Aura is how changing the color of flames changes the color of the skull bone. In default the flames are purple but the skull bone is alot more white. But you see the character powers dark red flames white bone.
*I believe it would make a lot better aura and more sensible if the bone didn't change color.
*Currently it less flexible cause working around it means finding a second aura to give the character a red tint and a 3rd one to give it flames???
*Even though I work around it it's would be uglier. I just cannot see why the bone should have such a heavy tint of color separate from the lighting of the room.
*Alternatively I might just disgard this aura
I'm proposing to greatly reduce the tint of color on the skull but keep the flames on it as is.
I didn't really know if that was worth a mention but as you can see it sucks aesthetically.

Bone and flame flame doesn't soup

This Is The Ghetto Gothix