Atm, it appears that the old bug for AoAC is still around, where AoAC's charge speed reduction bonus scales w/ only Presence for the self version, and w/ SSs for the ally version. This is ofc the reverse of what it should be, and seems to apply for all ranks of AoAC, and for both the Hybrid and Support versions.
Example 1: R3 AoAC (Support role) w/ 10 Pres, Int + Dex + Con SS'd (~450 Int, 55 Con, 215 Dex):
The ally buff is large (>10%) despite being at just 10 Pres, while the self buff is very small (<0.5%) despite having high total SSs.
Example 2: Same, but w/ ~390 Pres, Pres + Int + Con SS'd (~390 Pres, 185 Int, 50 Con):
The ally buff is still pretty large, though slightly smaller due to less total SSs, while the self buff is much larger than the 1st exmaple (>10%).
Example 3: Same, but w/ no SSs and ~250 Pres (non-SS'd):
The ally buff is 0%, despite being at around 250 Pres, while the self buff is still notable (8-10%) despite having no SSs.
Hopefully those examples illustrate the issue well enough.
<CO stuff>
.: Petco :. //
A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) //
PSA on Power Activation Delay //
Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs -
for science!