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Heavy Weapons Ultimates Suggestions

rinzler156rinzler156 Posts: 125 Arc User
edited September 2021 in Suggestions Box
So the topic of Heavy Weapons Ultimates came up in the Champions discord and I figured I'd give it it's own discussion page. I do want some input from you guys so if you want to chip in, that's fine. Just know I'm including properties but I'm not saying that is the 'official' would-be thing to do, these are suggestions.

1. "Strike of the Ruler!"

As you raise your blade over your head, energy starts to gather in your blade as you charge up for one devastating strike. As you bring your blade down, in one significant lunge, so do your enemies as they are struck down by you

Ultimate - Melee Cone AoE

Properties - Knockdown, Applies Overpower, Tons of Damage. (Applies Disorient to those who are immune to knocks)

Advantages - Standard Rank 2-3 ADV's, ("Bend the Knee!") Challenge ADV, Ruler of Fire! (Changes the attack to now deal Fire and Crushing Damage)

2. "Seize!"

Charging forward, with your blade at your side, you strike your opposing foe down with brutal force.

Ultimate - Lunge 25ft-50ft

Properties - Knockdown, Applies Overpower, Tons of Damage. (Applies Disorient to those who are immune to knocks)

Advantages - Standard Rank 2-3 ADV's, ("Have at Thee!") Challenge ADV, Oh and You! (This attack now becomes an AoE to enemies behind said target, but take less damage)

3. "Reckless Abandon"

With your blade at your side, you recklessly swing away, cleaving your opponent with abandon, powerfully swiping enemies away in one final strike

Ultimate - 5 Attacks Melee AoE

Properties - Cleaves, Applies Overpower, Raging Fire (Reckless Abandon now deals a portion of fire damage) Tons of Damage. (Applies Disorient to those who are immune to knocks)

Advantages - Standard Rank 2-3 ADV's, ("Come and Get Some!") Challenge ADV.

If any of you have any additional ideas, or have any take you want to give, by all means, post away!
Post edited by rinzler156 on


  • scorpio303scorpio303 Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    4. "Spin to Win"

    With your weapon outstretched you spin like a spinning top dealing massive damage to anyone unfortunate enough to be standing that close!

    Ultimate - PBAoE - Maintain

    Properties - chance to knock down with each tick of damage, big damage.

    Advantages -
    Standard Rank 2-3,
    Adv: Spun too hard! - Upon fully maintaining you do an extra 3 ticks of Toxic damage to enemies around you as you lose your lunch!
  • rinzler156rinzler156 Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    scorpio303 wrote: »
    Adv: Spun too hard! - Upon fully maintaining you do an extra 3 ticks of Toxic damage to enemies around you as you lose your lunch!

    Could definitely go with an advantage like that, but, perhaps make it a 'Flaming Tornado' kind of deal instead. Call it the 'Whirling Fire'.
  • speanozspeanoz Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    If it's alright with you, I'll just drop this excerpt from my Odds & Ends suggestion thread here:
    Ultimate - Melee AoE Damage - Knock Down

    "Your enemies can see the end of the world from here..."

    +Lunges at your target.
    + Deals Crushing and Fire damage in a very wide sphere around your target.
    + All affected enemies are Knocked Down and have a very large chance of receiving Clinging Flames. Additionally, some foes may even be Knocked Up instead of down.
    + Creates a large Pyre Patch around your primary target which persists for a moderate amount of time. Enemies standing within the Pyre Patch receive Fire damage over time.
    + Pyre Patch can periodically apply and refresh instances of Clinging Flames.
    + Pyre Patch and Clinging Flames are both Burning effects.
    - You can only have one Pyre Patch active at a time. A Pyre Patch generated by other powers will not override Ragnarök's unique version.
    - Must be fully charged.


    Commanding Presence
    + Applies a large threat over time debuff to your target.
    + This effect can be stacked on top of the Challenge! effect.
    + This effect cannot be refreshed.

    I envision this lunge involving a massive leap into the sky followed by the player character raining down from above.
  • rinzler156rinzler156 Posts: 125 Arc User
    Not a bad suggestion at all, i like it
  • metalheart#4270 metalheart Posts: 1,114 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    Heavy Weapons ultimate combo:

    Does heavy damage to primary target and lesser damage to foes in 10- 25 feet.

    -Backhilt the enemy into a knock down. In an elbow down motion. They will face plant.
    +Knock down and stun
    +Secondary foe knock towards

    -Launch them into a knock up with the blade like a golf motion
    +Knock up

    -Point the blade straight into the air make them land on it. (This pose is also the charge up for the final blow.)
    ++Fall damage

    (Bring the blade into an arm tuck like a psychopath)

    -Then sweep the blade so hard into the ground buring them
    (Use the Amerdilllo earth hold FX pulse e magma and rock cutting back for final)
    +Repel and AoE hold if they are still alive

    It will be a slow maintain but worth it
    nJ54tmw.gifThis Is The Ghetto Gothix
  • kingpin0000kingpin0000 Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    Ultimate - Melee AoE Damage - Knock Down

    You take a stance & begin charging up your power to max, then you let loose a horizontal/vertical slash decimating any opponents in melee range & unleashing a powerful shockwave that knocks down additional foes caught in its path.

    Targets foe (Max 10)
    10-25ft Cone
    25ft, 10ft Cylinder
    2.33 sec charge time

    + Deals Crushing Damage to targets in melee range(max 10ft) with the damage split between targets.
    + Deals min-max Crushing Damage to targets outside of melee range based on distance. (max 25ft)
    + Targets not defeated outright are knocked down.
    + Deals additional damage to targets immune to knock.
    - Must be fully charged.
    - If interrupted while charging for any reason, this attack goes on cooldown for 10 seconds.


    Bad Reputation(2)
    + Increases damage by 15% against Feared targets.

    + When you begin charging this attack, apply or refresh Fear on targets currently in-range.
    + This effect occurs even if the charge is interrupted.

    Commanding Presence(1)
    + Applies a large threat over time debuff to your target.
    + This effect can be stacked on top of the Challenge! effect.
    + This effect cannot be refreshed.


    I went with Fear as a secondary effect because it makes way more sense for enemies to be afraid of somebody wielding a huge weapon than enemies randomly getting burned by them for no real reason at all. A weapon that's not super heated or on fire is not gonna burn them. That's just weird as far as I see it so yeah. Also, if tanking I figure lowering your opponent's damage while attacking would be a pretty desirable effect & Fear does that.

    If made a cone, I envision a knees bent baseball-style wind up into a swing animation for this with a cool energy gathering charge up effect while the weapon is over your shoulder.

    If made a line/cylinder attack, I envision an Ichigo(Bleach) style overhead charge up & swing with two hands. It could even just repurpose the swing from Skullcrusher for it like how they repurposed haymaker for final punch. It just needs a longer charge & more intense charge up animation.

    A cone would be best for pulling aggro I figure, but I think the bleach-style line attack would look coolest. To keep it as melee damage vs ranged I capped the shockwave distance at 25ft.
  • rinzler156rinzler156 Posts: 125 Arc User
    Overkill... That's a very ambitious yet badass project of an idea.

    Aftershock is basically the idea i have in my mind with 'Strike of the Ruler', a melee Cone AoE primarily, but envisioning that a little further kinda makes me want to see 'Aftershock' in action.

    Update for you all

    A Heavy Weapon Ultimate is in development currently. I don't know the details other than it's going to be done 'soon-ish'. It is going to be an AoE, and it may be akin to 'Catastrophic Pummeling', at least the idea of it. It will also primarily be an AoE.
  • metalheart#4270 metalheart Posts: 1,114 Arc User
    edited October 2021
    Either way I presume the weapon would charge up an epic aura.
    nJ54tmw.gifThis Is The Ghetto Gothix
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited October 2021
    'Nuff said.

    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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  • rinzler156rinzler156 Posts: 125 Arc User
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    'Nuff said.

    That as an ultimate, oooo man...
  • metalheart#4270 metalheart Posts: 1,114 Arc User
    That's like Vicious descent but with lightening
    nJ54tmw.gifThis Is The Ghetto Gothix
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