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Any better substitute for the item: (Device) Magic imbued Guantlets?

aglo#4542 aglo Posts: 34 Arc User
Magic imbued Guantlets is a DPS Device that can be obtained with a LadyHawke mission. This item is probably too weak for most classes, i dont really know, except Supports builded as full healers when they are alone doing PvE, since most of us just dont have dmg abilities. This device deal an acceptable DPS combined with other dmg devices. This device has no cooldown, and it works well using it as "Basic attacks"

However, I think its mostly weak. So, I would like to know if there is another device with no cooldown that can be used like "Basic Attacks"


  • spookyspectrespookyspectre Posts: 646 Arc User
    Magic imbued Gauntlets can be ranked up to higher levels by a vendor on Monster Island next to the Jet plane. I'm not sure if you looked into that or not?
  • aglo#4542 aglo Posts: 34 Arc User
    I see! How can I get those Crystalos shards?
  • spookyspectrespookyspectre Posts: 646 Arc User
    The Emissive ones drop from random Lemurians and from the others are obtained from the Andrith Ruins lair and one of the LadyHawke Serial missions.
  • aglo#4542 aglo Posts: 34 Arc User
    Oh! Nice! I also noticed that I need crafting skill, but I don't remember how to obtain it
  • spookyspectrespookyspectre Posts: 646 Arc User
    You can grab a skill from any trainer, though the one's in the back of the Mods and Fusion building in Ren Center include a tutorial NPC. It doesn't really matter which skill you pick. It's pretty easy to increase your skill level. You have to pay some Gs at or just before each 100 skill level to be able to progress further (skill level 100, 200 and 300). There are also skill increase devices that may be sold in the Auction House. Depending on how rich your character is, you may want to use at a higher skill level to get you up to the cap at skill level 400.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    You need a skill level of 400 to upgrade the things to their max, and you have to do it on the character who's going to use them. That's a lot of effort (or expenditure of Gs if you buy a lot of crafting skill up things). I did it on one character and I'm not sure it was worth the effort. I certainly wouldn't go to the trouble again (the crystalls you need from Andrith don't fall all that often, so you will need to run it a lot for buy them on the AH). I think the devs put them into the game as a time/resource sink for long bored players with nothing else to do or to spend currency on.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • spookyspectrespookyspectre Posts: 646 Arc User
    I ranked them up as well on a toon. They're definitely not OP but fun and they can take advantage of some combo related specs in the specialization tree. Ranking up at least one character to 400 skill level isn't a bad investment if they ever want to get into fusing mods. Meh, I could see ranking up another set for the right theme build but I agree it's a bit of a time/resource sink that ends more in a little game flavor rather than an OP device.
  • ansemthedarkansemthedark Posts: 668 Arc User
    jaazaniah1 wrote: »
    You need a skill level of 400 to upgrade the things to their max, and you have to do it on the character who's going to use them. That's a lot of effort (or expenditure of Gs if you buy a lot of crafting skill up things). I did it on one character and I'm not sure it was worth the effort. I certainly wouldn't go to the trouble again (the crystalls you need from Andrith don't fall all that often, so you will need to run it a lot for buy them on the AH). I think the devs put them into the game as a time/resource sink for long bored players with nothing else to do or to spend currency on.

    Since On Alert it is a pain to get crafting up, I am glad i at least have a char for each category maxed. It was a dick move to change it that way, basically monetizing something that was good as it is before, I doubt it was due "complains" that they changed it because some players felt it's useless, now we have the fusion crap. And a lot of items and costumes lost and moved to unnecessary, overcomplicated ways to gain them now. And not to get me started to how you can't even tell which node is which level now, despite looking the same in certain spots.
  • spookyspectrespookyspectre Posts: 646 Arc User
    jaazaniah1 wrote: »
    You need a skill level of 400 to upgrade the things to their max, and you have to do it on the character who's going to use them. That's a lot of effort (or expenditure of Gs if you buy a lot of crafting skill up things). I did it on one character and I'm not sure it was worth the effort. I certainly wouldn't go to the trouble again (the crystalls you need from Andrith don't fall all that often, so you will need to run it a lot for buy them on the AH). I think the devs put them into the game as a time/resource sink for long bored players with nothing else to do or to spend currency on.

    Since On Alert it is a pain to get crafting up, I am glad i at least have a char for each category maxed. It was a dick move to change it that way, basically monetizing something that was good as it is before, I doubt it was due "complains" that they changed it because some players felt it's useless, now we have the fusion crap. And a lot of items and costumes lost and moved to unnecessary, overcomplicated ways to gain them now. And not to get me started to how you can't even tell which node is which level now, despite looking the same in certain spots.

    You really only need to get one character to skill level 400 if fusing mods is your thing. It's not that bad. I've gotten several to skill level 400. Going from maybe skill level 350 to 400 can be a pain and I use Skill Up devices around then.
  • ansemthedarkansemthedark Posts: 668 Arc User
    jaazaniah1 wrote: »
    You need a skill level of 400 to upgrade the things to their max, and you have to do it on the character who's going to use them. That's a lot of effort (or expenditure of Gs if you buy a lot of crafting skill up things). I did it on one character and I'm not sure it was worth the effort. I certainly wouldn't go to the trouble again (the crystalls you need from Andrith don't fall all that often, so you will need to run it a lot for buy them on the AH). I think the devs put them into the game as a time/resource sink for long bored players with nothing else to do or to spend currency on.

    Since On Alert it is a pain to get crafting up, I am glad i at least have a char for each category maxed. It was a dick move to change it that way, basically monetizing something that was good as it is before, I doubt it was due "complains" that they changed it because some players felt it's useless, now we have the fusion crap. And a lot of items and costumes lost and moved to unnecessary, overcomplicated ways to gain them now. And not to get me started to how you can't even tell which node is which level now, despite looking the same in certain spots.

    You really only need to get one character to skill level 400 if fusing mods is your thing. It's not that bad. I've gotten several to skill level 400. Going from maybe skill level 350 to 400 can be a pain and I use Skill Up devices around then.

    True, but a pain if you are used to the old way of training tho, and it feels like a heavy downgrade simply and very low compared to the past. Just a thing being used to it, I guess.
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