Current Archery doesn't really have strong enough single-target dps options, even though there's tons of diff AoE and splash AoE options in the set. Basically, you tap Explosive Arrow w/ WtK and otherwise throw in some filler attacks between the explosions, of which you have many options but none of them are really that standout.. and that's current Archery in a nutshell.
Things are still changing on the PTS, but I assume that most high-end builds will eventually center around optimizing Rapid Shots while keeping Armor Piercing up (and you'll prob have to forgo Archery's mobility to get the most out of Rapid Shots). The new Focused Shot could potentially net slightly more optimal dps vs. Rapid Shots w/ adv if you get full Total Focus stacks on it atm, but many fights will prob not allow that to happen regularly. I also assume that Quarry will continue to be a bit underwhelming and not worth taking over Targeting Computer for dps, but we'll see.
Your current build looks okay for Archery (though I may throw in Frag Grenade w/ advs instead of Hex, if you are going to use a 50ft range attack), but I don't see much point in reviewing it heavily atm, since it'll soon be obsolete.
I'm wondering what heavy dps options are available in the ranged damage class even if it does break the "archer" thematic a bit, if it makes the build strong it could be worth putting in.
Things are still changing on the PTS, but I assume that most high-end builds will eventually center around optimizing Rapid Shots while keeping Armor Piercing up (and you'll prob have to forgo Archery's mobility to get the most out of Rapid Shots). The new Focused Shot could potentially net slightly more optimal dps vs. Rapid Shots w/ adv if you get full Total Focus stacks on it atm, but many fights will prob not allow that to happen regularly. I also assume that Quarry will continue to be a bit underwhelming and not worth taking over Targeting Computer for dps, but we'll see.
Your current build looks okay for Archery (though I may throw in Frag Grenade w/ advs instead of Hex, if you are going to use a 50ft range attack), but I don't see much point in reviewing it heavily atm, since it'll soon be obsolete.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!