After coming back from WoW and trying healing, I definitely noticed the loss of mouseover macros. Could I make something like that, at least for stuff like Iniquity?
cursorClick 1$$powertrayexec 1 x
Replace x with the power you want to execute. 0 for EB, 1 for power tray button 2, etc.
cursorClick 1 will make the cursor perform click, which should select whatever's on the mouse cursor, and execute the power in the slot you want. This will clear your last target, so it isn't as good as WoW mouseover.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
cursorClick 1$$powertrayexec 1 x
Replace x with the power you want to execute. 0 for EB, 1 for power tray button 2, etc.
cursorClick 1 will make the cursor perform click, which should select whatever's on the mouse cursor, and execute the power in the slot you want. This will clear your last target, so it isn't as good as WoW mouseover.