Adventure Packs are some of the biggest pieces of content besides the Open World maps, but its such a shame that practically nobody bothers with doing them more than once because the reward of a few SCR just isn't worth the time it takes to complete them, let alone doing them up to 3 times a day.
All you'd need to do is update the reward for completing them, something like 5 SCR and 3 GCR. This would be a much more appealing option to a LOT of players who would like to earn some of the endgame gear but feel gatekeeped from doing the much harder Cosmic boss fights, Teleios Ascendant, or Therakiel's Temple.
AP's could be soloed or run with a friend or two for a much more enjoyable experience then trying to get together a precise team of already optimized builds, and this offers a road for more casual players to earn better gear and rewards.
The only place with some soloable endgame content right now is the QWZ dailies. A 3-person team in merc gear and r4 mods can do those quite easily and pretty fast. The odd thing is that many of the people who don't do anything but cosmics don't seem to want to make the effort to get a couple other people and do those dailies, even though the are easy. They are an easy mine for scr, some Q and a bit for gcr. So what you want for the APs and CSs is already available in a way, but a lot of people won't even try to do that. Not much incentive for the Devs to add better rewards to the APs and CSs if player are not making use of an asset (QWZ dailies) that already gives comparable rewards that can be done in even less time.
I also want to note that one can easily contribute in a meaningful way at cosmics in mercs and r4 mods. It is not hard if you know what you are doing there and you have a half way decent build. Even beginning tanks can do cosmics. I don't see any excuse for people not trying cosmics. All they have to do is explain that they are new and need to know what to do and what not to do.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained