I would like to learn how to set a key bind to a costume change. So that when I press the travel power the character turns into an animal. And is is possible with ATs. Just need the formula. Thanks in advance.
I believe there's binds with setactivecostume, but the fundamental problem is that there's no way to make a context sensitive bind so it's easy to get inverted (you turn your travel power off and get swapped to your travel power on costume).
Subject to the limitation that, if your flight gets toggled by an effect other than using the macro (travel power removal effects, or using the mouse to toggle the power, or using a different travel power, or activating a vehicle, or...), the macro will now be reversed. Also, setactivecostume has a cooldown. You can get it back in sync by doing one of those things a second time, but it's a hassle.
Is there a way to do this with builds? So that toggling your travel power also activates a costume change + auras?
I used to be Hies but then Perfect World wasn't so perfect and now I'm piercingwhistle! Here, have this thread from my long-gone account. AoE Projectile Set!
Is there a way to do this with builds? So that toggling your travel power also activates a costume change + auras?
Strangely, this doesn't work with an active Costume Transformation, for me at least - whether it's changing Costumes (with TP + size-changing device) or Builds (TP + size-changing Aura). It used to work great until a patch in early 2020... at the time, I asked about it and got nothing.
Without a Costume Transformation assigned, it works fine either way.
Also weird: "changing back" works ok, even with a Costume Transformation.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
# Being your costume slot (0 is your first costume slot).
Explains how to set up binds.
Third post details what you're after.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
/bind T "+SetActiveCostume 0 $$ +PowerTrayExec 14"
And for second travel:
/bind Y "+SetActiveCostume 1 $$ +PowerTrayExec 15"
Basically getting the human forms to change into different costumes for travel.
It works better with 2 travels. For example TP1 being acrobatics with human form and TP2 being flight in bird form.
It worked but it does have a few complications like stated above. All in all good. Thanks
I used to be Hies but then Perfect World wasn't so perfect and now I'm piercingwhistle! Here, have this thread from my long-gone account. AoE Projectile Set!
Strangely, this doesn't work with an active Costume Transformation, for me at least - whether it's changing Costumes (with TP + size-changing device) or Builds (TP + size-changing Aura). It used to work great until a patch in early 2020... at the time, I asked about it and got nothing.
Without a Costume Transformation assigned, it works fine either way.
Also weird: "changing back" works ok, even with a Costume Transformation.
I've done it with active Costume Transformations but I needed a delay between commands to work. I could only accomplished this using XPadder.
Without a Costume Transformation it's:
/bind T "BuildSet 0 $$ +PowerTrayExec 14"
/bind Y "BuildSet 1 $$ +PowerTrayExec 15"