Since there is no longer enough people to really get a Rampage going 95% of the time, and when we do, the chance of getting a drop isn't good at all forcing you to try and try again to no avail. SO why not do what they did in STO with the Borg sets, and make a small personal tier system for earning end game sets for those who can't even get into a Rampage. Everyone else who has their sets kinda thumb their noses at us since they already have what they need, making an unfair situation for the rest and those also new to the game who also want to earn the Justice set. It's not like we are trying to take a short cut but rather have something to show for our efforts, or even have a chance to put in the effort!
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
So yes, provide an alternative to rampages, but also fix the rampages that are a problem in the first place.