Heya, I'm looking for some help trying to figure out why my Night Warrior Stealth keeps decloaking.
Character in question is a CC/Sniper with Manipulator. AOAC is used as a secondary passive when needed. Usually, Night Warrior is the passive of choice.
The Build:
https://aesica.net/co/herocreator.htm?v=36&n=Stealth Sniper&d=16370nYQZOPa040070G000GC00GB00G40LG703L403ON01K505GL05EF038F03OQ00M9008T0B2t6R2sxb0E7F1171y3b0E0G&e=T1RIRVIgREVWSUNFUzogMSkgTGF0ZW50IFBzaSwgMikgQmVuaWduIFN5bWJpb3RlLCAzKSBCYW5pc2htZW50LCA0KSBOaW1idXMgb2YgRm9yY2U~
Gear used is Distinguished Primary with Cosmic Secondary.
Devices I use are listed in the build, but the main devices I use are:
Psionic Accelerator, Ice Grenades, Magic Gauntlets, Supernatural Possession, Latent Psi, Benign Symbiote, Banishment, Nimbus, and on occasion a sidekick or summon.
- Decloak still happens regardless of what devices are equipped, even when NO devices are equipped.
My best guess would be Sentinel Aura's heal is causing it? This is also the one piece I haven't figured out how to test...
Once I retcon the spec the decloacking stop
The Healing Over Time, even as passive, is treated as an action coming from you! Even when your HP is full
Thank you!