I hope these bugs are just flagging issues that are easy to fix. Because I like these powers.
Avenger - Round 'em Up (AoE buff triggered by AoE damage)
- AoE powers like Flashfire, Ebon Rift and Soul Vortex do not trigger, nor benefit from this specialization
Avenger - Relentless Assault
- Maintain power Ebon Rift does not trigger this specialization
Guardian - Find the Mark
- Ranged powers like Hex of Suffering, Soul Vortex and Ebon Rift do not generate any stacks (On a sidenote, they also do not benefit from the ranged damage bonus of the Ranged Damage role. Even though they do benefit from the Overseer - Overseer Aura Ranged Damage bonus.)
Commander - Savage & Durable
- Both affect uncontrolled pet Summon Shadows, but they do not affect uncontrolled pet March of the Dead (the latter power being affected by Commander - Create an Opening & Rapid Reponse)
If the Commander Specialization says it affects pets and then some Specializations do not, that's a bug in coding or labeling. Same with Ebon Rift: If it says Ranged AoE, Specializations affecting Ranged and/or AoE powers must affect it.
Edit: Ego Storm: Malevolent Manifestation does not trigger Presence - Vulnerability and Overseer - Trapped.
Commander ones are particularly insidious since you suffer a dps/utility loss to buff pets and if they are not buffed...
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