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Small, but potentially impactful changes to Teleiosaurus and Qwyjibo

jranonjranon Posts: 26 Arc User
I just heard about eido getting broken, but still know almost nothing about it.
Anyway this post is for the hopes that the Devs can figure it out, fix things and not give up on making cosmics a little better (keep trying guys! and make sure to keep backups of previous versions of the game, in case there are more screw ups, so you can just undo things).

Anyway I only actually have suggestions for Teleiosaurus and Qwyjibo as I actually think Kiga is fine (even if he's pretty susceptible to trolling) and I really don't now much about eido.
I made another post recently about Teleiosaurus, but have quickly changed my ideas after some pretty good feedback.

The changes to Teleiosaurus I would make would really only effect the baby. There would really only be three changes to the baby.

1. Giving the Baby a condition that makes it so that (as long as the mother Teleiosaurus is up) the baby won't die, but will drop to a downed position (where it won't do anything) if it drops down to or near 1 hp (preferably challenge will still effect the baby, but regular damage won't).

2. Making it so that on a failed DPS check the baby would receive the same amount of healing that the mother gets (even in it's downed position so that it can get back up to causing havoc).

3. Make it so that the babies bubble attacks still effect players during a dps check (so that players will have to down the baby before they can finish off the mother and will have to re-down it if they fail a dps check).

The reasons I have for this is to keep the challenge (or at least the threat of a challenge) there, but make it so that the players have to work through steps to get rid of the babies interference rather than getting having to deal with getting confused and trying to ignore the babies bubbles during a dps check.

With Qwyjibo the changes I'd make would only effect the hearts. (I don't know the names of the hearts according to their positions so I'll just be referring to them by position)

1. Make the Heart the farthest from the dps (the one directly in front of Qwyjibo) visually bigger (to distinguish it from the others) and have it heal the least out of all the hearts (down to a small enough amount that it will be possible to dps though, but not easily).

2. Make it so the hearts to the sides of Qwyjibo can be knocked and make their healing limited to a certain range (so they can be knocked away from Qwyjibo far enough that they can't heal him, and for another reason I'll mention later).

3. Add a small heart that appears behind Qwyjibo that heals the most, but has the same (or less) health and defense as kiga's frozen tomb so the dps can take care of it (This would be to break up the monotony of just attacking Qwyjibo from behind). And allow it to be CCed and knocked as well (just to allow options for players). This would be a totally optional addition that really wouldn't be needed, but could be a nice change for the pacing of the fight.

The reasons I'd make these changes would be to make it so that Qwyjibo would be less troll-able (If the hearts on the sides can be knocked out of range as well as being able to be crowd controlled then it'll take a lot more for a troll to interfere and if someone hits the heart in front of Qwyjibo it'll still be possible to beat Qwyjibo if the healing from it is low enough to dps though), it'll allow players to make use of knock abilities in a cosmic fight (giving players more options), and won't make Qwyjibo feel any less dumb for a fight (and hopefully won't make him too hard or anything).

I was hoping to come up with ideas that should be easy enough to code for, but idk much about coding so.... x(

Up for suggestions, critiques and all that, of course, but try to encourage the devs to keep trying to figure things out n stuff while you're at it ;)


  • panthrax77panthrax77 Posts: 308 Arc User
    Changes to Qwyjibo sound cool. I like the idea of knocks being useful for cosmics. It would spice up the fight without adding much difficulty and could help with trolling (although potentially someone could easily knock the hearts towards him instead and stack the resistance on them, but at least it would be pretty easy behavior to spot.

    Dino Mom changes I'm less keen on. It would be good to keep Baby healed instead of now when checks fail, baby dies, respawns and mess ensues.

    However, enforcing DPS to attack baby brings problems, especially with positioning. Both of the bosses need to be in a spot where the mouth and tail don't hit the DPS. While this is easy enough for ranged folk, it gives melee DPS the shaft in figuring out where is safe to go.

    If these changes were made, significant changes to the tail, bite, and breath AoEs would need to be made or it would be utterly intolerable for many players, in a fight that already sees the lowest turnout because of its it's high failure rate. Solid ideas but it's hard to see it work in a way that doesn't make the fight just more tedious.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    The ape heart thing is simply not going to happen. When cosmics were initially redone it was easily possible to dps down the hearts. The current set up exists precisely because the devs don't want players to have the option to dps down the hearts. The devs wanted to make CC more of a thing, so ape was reconfigured so that it only works if the hearts are kept under CC.
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  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    It is possible to dps the hearts down with CC assistance (without CC assistance Qwyjibo heals too much), it's just easier to keep them CCed. If they had an additional effect, the way Eidolon red orbs did, people might shift to killing them.
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