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Strafing Run, does it work?

zman#5987 zman Posts: 15 Arc User
edited May 2020 in Power Discussion
Anyone familiar with the Strafing Run power? I finally reached level 40 with my Night Avenger build. I've attempted to use Strafing Run on everything (esp. test dummies, enemies, and enemy vehicles) but it doesn't work; the targeting reticle can be toggled on (and off), but that's about it. I reported it as a bug yesterday. Is there some secondary key that must be pressed once activated?


  • holloweaverholloweaver Posts: 588 Arc User
    I don't use Strafing Run but here's what wiki says :
    Strafing Run works unlike any other power in the game. In order to activate it, you must first trigger the power, then click on a section of the ground in order to designate a target for the air strike.
    Because of the method of activation, some players have mentioned having difficulties using this power with an xbox controller."
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    Yeah, strafing run is weird and annoying in its targeting.
  • mafa1inmafa1in Posts: 35 Arc User
    Last time I used it it definitely worked. Once you get used to the targeting it can be a nice spike damage boost, since it often hits almost at the same time as the power you activate after it.
  • vonqballvonqball Posts: 942 Arc User
    I works, but pressing the "strafing run power key" only brings up the targeting circle. Place the circle where you want it and click your mouse... aaand boom.
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