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Is it worth to start?

Hello there, im consider to start to play, but is it worth, if I don't want to spend any money? It's possible to get some stuff only just playing? Or I need spend some cash if I want to get actual content and superpowers? I will be obligated for all honest anwsers.

Ohh, and sorry but my english its not too well.


  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Whatever you do, if you decide to play, you should plan to spend money on the game. The only way the game will continue to exist is if players put money into it. CO is not a charity.
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  • grochol1grochol1 Posts: 5 Arc User
    Yes, if the game suck me in, but do I have to spend cash for all things, or can i unlock some stuff just playing the game?
  • mordray001mordray001 Posts: 220 Arc User
    Technically only a handful of things are locked behind the lTS paygate... Exclusive costumes and unlimited, in that you are only limited by the number of unlocked spots, Free Form characters.

    In game you can aquire questionite and that not only is a currency unto itself but it can be exchanged for zen which can be used in the zen store to unlock stuff. Currently there is a cap on how much questionite that any one character can 'refine', unlike true refining this is a zero loss system, in a single day encouraging playing multiple characters.

    I'm an LTSer so my knowledge of what an F2P/Silver player is limited, I hope this helps you choose to at least try the game out.
  • holloweaverholloweaver Posts: 588 Arc User
    It is worth even more right now with the bonus free Feeform slot (until April 17th).
    Then expect the usual microtransactions such as bag slots, bank slots, ressource cap unlocks, etc...

    As @mordray001 mentioned, you can farm questionite and exchange it for zen (cash shop currency) so the only real limits are your patience and your motivation.
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    It’s a free game with options to pay.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    grochol1 wrote: »
    Yes, if the game suck me in, but do I have to spend cash for all things, or can i unlock some stuff just playing the game?

    I played for 6 years without paying anything, had a ton of fun, and got a bunch of stuff by just farming cash shop currency. This is probably one of the best games to play for free since just about everything can be gotten via farming and they're actually really generous with how much currency you can farm, way more than other games. So yeah, it's definitely worth it.

    After those 6 years I spent a bunch of money over the next 3 years cause I wanted to get a bunch of things fast without working for them \o/
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  • grochol1grochol1 Posts: 5 Arc User
    Thanks guys. I give it a try.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    I played for years with subscriptions off and on; when I could finally get my LTS, I jumped on it, but the game's still tons of fun even without the stuff you might need cash for. And unlike some MMOs out there, all the add-ons that get released are free for everybody (hence the "Free For All" subhead in the title).
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

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  • leak#2697 leak Posts: 4 New User
    > @grochol1 said:
    > Hello there, im consider to start to play, but is it worth, if I don't want to spend any money? It's possible to get some stuff only just playing? Or I need spend some cash if I want to get actual content and superpowers? I will be obligated for all honest anwsers.
    > Ohh, and sorry but my english its not too well.

    i have no idea
  • leak#2697 leak Posts: 4 New User
    so umm... he guys
  • jakeesanjakeesan Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    This game is utter garbage. I would stay far far away from it. They don't deserve your support. They need to be shut down. Ive played this game since it came out. Since day 1.

    The final straw is what theyve done to vets. Those of us with a ton of characters are screwed now. To keep our characters as they are, it will cost literally 100s of dollars. 20 dollars per freeform slot. So if you already made a freeform character, you're screwed as soon as your credit card expires because you can never re sub again. You have to buy a freeform slot, or youre forced in to making the lame archetypes CO has.

    Cool travel powers are locked behind paywalls, or you can try to make money and buy them from the auction house. Good luck with that considering there is usually literally less than 300 people playing. MUCH less usually. Ive checked all the maps before, and saw that there was about 100 people on during peak hours, numerous times.

    Go play city of heroes Homecoming. Seriously.
  • jakeesanjakeesan Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    Seriously cant believe the state of this trash company
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