What do you do as your "daily menu" of things to get stuff? Doesn't imply that you play every day, just that when you do log in you have a 'list' of things you typically do. This assumes days when there isn't an Event going ( cause we get so many of those lel ).
What's your daily menu? 16 votes
I do Cosmics and alert dailies.
I do Cosmics, TA, and alert dailies.
I do Cosmics, and alert dailies, and Warzone dailies.
I do alert dailies and Warzone dailies.
I do Cosmics, and alert dailies, and whatever stuff I happen to see advertised in zone like Nemcon, Mega-D, Andrithal, etc...
I do alert dailies and whatever stuff I see advertised in zone.
I only log in to get my Vigilance alerts done.
My characters
I used to do the daily smash alert 3-set on several alts for basically Q-farming and G-farming, but not since they did the 'character list auto-sort change'. It dampened my drive to do alt-cycling. Yes even after they made that sorting optional, the damage is already done.
Same for grab alerts for alts that weren't level-40 yet. I don't make alts much nowadays for a few reasons: not as many powerset overhauls to explore, I don't get more slots for them anymore, And I'm waiting for the next time they do one of those 'get an alt to 40 events' since that's a tradition they've established now. If I'm not going to get unique costume parts and other stuff for doing it off-season, then why bother?
If they made another TA or other fully-refurbished detailed lair with its own unlocks, I'd probably return for a bit longer. That and Cosmics had unlocks I could steadily work towards in terms of earning tokens and perks that enable unlocks, and I'm not about to rely on RNG to get drops for stuff like costume drops from a lair - I did my fair share of Andrith gauntlets back when it was possible to rush through it, and that was mind-numbingly boring for me. Don't want to do that again for Dest. Factory. But since I've gotten everything I care to get from Cosmics/TA, no reason to do them anymore for me.
also no ' i spend all day ERPing in club caprice'...i am disappoint
- I'm not doing Alert Dailies anymore, except with the latest character projects who need SCR or Resources (Grabs and Bursts are REALLY a waste of time in lvl 40)
- I'm doing Vigilance, Qzone Dailies and Cosmics with very selected few characters
- Doing Onslaught Villain Attack dailies on selected characters to farm slowly but surely their OSV secondaries! It's boring but gives me time to multitask while watching/listening/reading other stuff
- Cosmics, but not this period because it becames boring
- If there is an Event, I take a break from Cosmics and QZONE and focus on events to get the new costumes
- Just outright chilling leveling characters or testing stuff in PTS, mostly brainstorming interesting Freeform Builds, to improve existing characters who havent been touched with the revamps
If I have a new character I do leveling through missions.
Some PTS testing.
Spend very little time on alerts or alert dailies. If I see someone calling out for Vikorin, Factory or TA I try to respond.
I think I spend relatively little time on costumes.
Spend no time posing in RenCen.
Truth be told, I am never really at a loss for something to do.
Vigilance... sort of...
Missions... yep...
Cosmics... if I'm on at the time and playing a character of the correct level.
I don't even know what TA is and I've never bothered with the Q-Zone...
Just remembered the cloner gets a god complex...
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Which vendor has that?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
It sells all things of bacon related stuff.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Edit: I forgot about warlord spam, but since he's only around every 2 months for a lil while, I forgot about him.
I think finn is yanking our bacon.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber