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Sort Button for Shared Account Banks

I have dropped a lot of money over the years into getting a huge shared account bank for my mods and trinkets. However sometimes when I go looking for a certain item I may spend 1/4 of my total available gaming time finding the piece I am hunting for in this mess I have created. I have sorted by hand and spent a few hours doing it twice over the years, but I know that the personal toon banks, and inventory bags have nice little "SORT" buttons. Would it be possible to incorporate this into shared accounts? Thank you for any help you can provide, have a great day...


  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    This would be a great QOL upgrade
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  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    To tell you the truth, I never use that Sort button. The one time I tried it it sorted things in a way that made no sense to me. But, if others like it and it is easy to implement. Go for it.
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  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    If it works the way Bag sorting works. No thanks, spend devtime for something usefull.
    It's quite easy to find stuff from 100+ slots if you sort it the way you to find it...
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  • talvin1983talvin1983 Posts: 8 Arc User
    It wouldn't be that difficult to write an SQL line to sort by type then by name. So all mods would be together then sorted by name, then whatever else say Gear, then by name. It would be a very easy script to write, maybe about 5-10 minutes tops. Not exactly what I would call a waste of time. I think it would be nice to open up my huge mess of a shared bank and be able to find the one item I seek without spending a half hour looking only to find out I looked right over it two or three times.
  • mordray001mordray001 Posts: 220 Arc User
    While I on the one hand think this is a great idea... on the other hand I find the existing sorting system to be absurd. It's ordering system doesn't make sense to me... and often mixes things up that shouldn't be... at least in my opinion.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    a very easy script to write
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