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More Moods & Stances

silentline7silentline7 Posts: 24 Arc User

Golden Age

Would be a hoot. I'm sure you can come up with thousands more.


  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    Those are just names. Examples of what you envisage for these moods and stances would be great.

    I'm interested in your ideas.
    Post edited by themightyzenith on
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • silentline7silentline7 Posts: 24 Arc User
    When I actually stop to realize the differences in between Emotes,Stances, and moods its kinda hard not to cover the same ground and I am a stickler for custom originality.

    Oh and nice costumes Zenith. We'll have to spend some time comparing notes in the Tailor sometime.

    Nothing is ever final. Everything is a work in progress so here goes nothing.

    Delusional/Confused/Crazy- Eyes crossed with tongue out
    (Not every Hero is sane)

    Crushed- Heavy frown, wrinkled face, and half closed watery eyes that are lightly distorted by tears building up.
    (Some heroes take things to heart)

    Stressed(Tired)- Big bags under blood shot eyes.
    (For sleep deprived heroes)

    Painful- Blacked eye, maybe some missing teeth in a moderately displayed grin and a fattened part of the lip that is noticeably as swollen if at less than 3 stars. Maybe even a nose bridge bandage at 1 star and two black eyes swollen shut at 0 stars with puffy battered cheeks.
    (Hero has taken a merciless beating)

    Nervous-Exaggerated sweat drop with obvious stress curvatures in the forehead area (._.).
    (Heroism can be a stressful thing)

    Unsure-maybe a squiggly line as or a slanted mouth slit/lip appearance.
    (Not every hero always has the answer)

    Flirty or maybe Vivacious- Not sure if the biting of the lower lip can transfer over to a male characteristic evenly without being weird. This one I just whisked from off the top of my head but can be promising.
    (Heroes go to clubs for many reasons with one of them being self advertisement)

    Predatory- might be good accompaniment to the bestial set up to extrude a mouth of sharp teeth instead of the normal set up without taking up a vital costume spot like mouth or jaw parts.
    (Savages can be heroes too)

    Weird- Some off the wall appearance that makes others want to know why the world your making that face.

    Dashing- Fists balled up placed upon its sides just under chest line <|>. The legs slightly closer together /\, head tilted upwards slightly to the left as if staring into the distance heroically. The cape worn by the hero should always be blow strongly the opposite way it’s looking in comparison to the normal cape animation. The walk should be just as heroically dashing but with a re-positioning of the arms for the heroic, “Give it up (insert villains name here) you can’t gun down justice!” feel.

    Secretive- Unlike the bestial crouching style this would be stealth oriented low to the ground stance that allows the cape to drape across the ground to that mysterious secret agent or night avenger feel. When walking, running, or jumping it should be very evident that the hero pulls its cape just over the lower half of its face (or at least covers use its forearm to make the attempt when not equipped with a cape).

    Childish- The hero skips when moving and skips farther in travel mode. Its jumps should look rather silly as well,

    Macho/Diva- I’m not sure about this one yet with all the options that could be. Wide category there aligned with the idea of showing off ones physical qualities. This can also be sassy or something very much toned down as I've seen many not so toned down appearance customization combinations already out there.

    Mental- The hero hugs itself in a crouched turning slightly to the left and slightly to the right when stationary. (Works wonders with straight jacket costume pieces or stockade)

    Depressed- The hero has low self esteem/image causing it to look withdrawn and downright pathetic. Head always facing the ground to support the, “woe is me” in the idea. The staple of Emo goths everywhere.

    Lazy- The hero plops down when not moving and cumbersome moves/jumps lazily.

    Clumsy- a klutz with an awkward stance. He fumbles moves forward and backward tumbling and the jump is downright hilarious as the hero looks to have tripped upward and land on his back. If used with travel powers that allow a hard landing in a cloud of dust it works quite well with the concept.

    Zombie- use the same frames as the nightmare event zombies accept make it a Stance for players! :>

    Energetic- Does hand stands and cartwheels. Which should get even crazier with acrobatic like travel powers.

    Trouble- Stands with fist and open hand together looking for a fight.

    Martial- When stationary hero slowly curls one leg up as though prepping for a strike. Although this would look really dumb if you had no kick moves. XD

    There's probably hundreds of thousands of options that can be made possible. However the differences would have to be blatant and never subtle so nothing is too much like the other. So I can understand why the process to do so is slowed or never taken.
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    Well done on all that. I particularly like your ideas for the stances and would love to see them all.

    Lack of moods (we got an extra couple not long ago but I find them to be badly done) and particularly stances is, I think, something that should have been looked at a long time ago by developers instead of incorporating a lesser version of them into transformations, emotes and TPs. The idle postion that Power Skating gives you, for example, would be great as a stance... if it had a little animation added to it for character.

    I'd also gladly pay for them.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • silentline7silentline7 Posts: 24 Arc User
    Thanks for the feedback Zenith and the push.

    I know ALOT of players would throw their wallets into the pot over this kind of stuff and game editors could even mesh together old NPC (non-player character) frames of enemies and stationary heroes to make it happen. But with all the technical issues going on its probably a chore. I know when I was a storyteller and player in LARP games for official companies players would eat every second of your day for ideas and improvements. However enjoying life is indeed the goal for game creators with what they've earned so I can understand the lag time (both in game and out). No pressure.

    And in case out game editors ever want to earn an extra $20 x game character amount x moods & stances craved x player base + additional players brought to the table from advertisement of computers & steams clever idea allowing players to make videos. Feel free to create them because I know I will be smiling over the use of them.

    This game was awesome when it was pen and paper and has already exceeded my expectations as an online community game.

  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    They put the Stances in as....Emotes....
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • silentline7silentline7 Posts: 24 Arc User
    Well I do personally use the TalkRage emote a few times until it makes me do that cool claws breathing heavily furious pose until I move. But I'm sorry finn that's not good enough.

    As a rather articulate person I believe that it should also be a stance. :> Because I like it so much.

    Furious- Use TalkRage standing pose as the heavy breathing in and out with claws flared. When you run you shouldn't look like a predatory animal and more like consumed with rage. When blended with athletics Rank 3 and endorphin rush you should move in spurts literally mimicking teleport except you pause every five feet for a millisecond. These kind of chain builds would make people stop relying on vehicles and actually invest in travel powers more. If all travel powers had special things that occurred with combination moves players would go nuts trying to uncover them all and also but more travel powers. Its a win win for the player and game editor.
  • fermifermi Posts: 117 Arc User
    These kind of chain builds would make people stop relying on vehicles and actually invest in travel powers more. If all travel powers had special things that occurred with combination moves players would go nuts trying to uncover them all and also but more travel powers. Its a win win for the player and game editor.

    Um... I need all my points for, you know, doing damage and stuff. As a matter of fact, I can't even imagine spending points to upgrade my travel powers even if there were no vehicles. But since I can have any number of vehicles, I do instead use them for travelling and for playing around.

    Of course, to each their own. Options are good. I just suspect you are overestimating the number of people who will gimp themselves for an emote.
  • silentline7silentline7 Posts: 24 Arc User
    Thank you for the feed back fermi.

    Perhaps I should put a bit more into explaining the concept.

    Considering some builds do need every bit of advantage points allowed well that's certainly understandable.

    Now if..say.. Some newer developments to travel powers allowed enhancements in defense or damage like swing gives buffs to dodge but instead of being its own separate advantage it should be tied into the Ranking of the Travel power itself.

    The mood and stance special editions are easily added by slapping Cost 0 advantages similar to enrages giant growth to the travel powers making them purely cosmetic stance and or mood augmenting. The combination of moves idea would or at least should be factored around what the majority of players use the series of moves for hence making the BONUS gains rather special.

    Its sort of touching with the set items idea but with certain combinations of moves,roles,stances,moods,transformations unlocked etc.

    There just needs to be a balance that pleases the editors game balance and the players thirst for more otherwise you get things that fall into the as you put it, "self gimping".

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