Hello there!
Recently I've taken to leveling a couple of healers and it's had me thinking of ways to expand the current pool of supportive powers.
First and foremost, different flavors of Support Passives are sorely lacking. Please correct me if I'm wrong but it seems the only options are Auras, Seraphim-like passives, and Medical Nanites. While I adore Auras, I personally prefer the Seraphim-like passives as they allow for some damage, defense, and healing boosts. Presently there are only two of this type: Seraphim and Hearth. Seraphim allows for a boost to paranormal damage (ego, magic, dimensional) and Hearth allows for a boost to Elemental (fire, cold, toxic). At the very least, this should be expanded so all broader damage types have their own passive of this kind, meaning Energy (electric, sonic, and particle) and Physical (slashing, crushing, piercing). What I would hope for is additional passives of certain flavors, like a support passive for Wind, as an example. This request allows for support types to expand their themes so they are not as pigeonholed. I have not worked with Medical Nanites (yet), so I do not have comments on it or on creating passives like it. Here are some examples of potential support passives:
Bountiful Essence
Passive - Martial Arts
You have a bountiful vitality, making you effortlessly in peak physical condition. This physical perfection is carried through your energy in the form of a healing boost and enhances your physical efforts and resistances (physical damage and resistance boost).
((I cringed so hard writing this, but it's an attempt, dang it))
Resounding Energy
Passive - Electricity
Your form ripples with powerful energy that reinforces and boosts healing processes. This makes you a unique conduit for healing energies and gives you ample boosts and resistances related to Energy.
Second, the overall range of support powers should be expanded in general. In terms of mechanics (and my opinion), I see that most things are useful and work well without any gaping areas that are uncovered (feel free to inform me otherwise). However, in terms of themes, options are sorely lacking. Magic-based (or otherwise paranormal-based) are the majority of healing powers with Energy-based pulling in at distant second. It would be nice to see an expansion into other themes like tech (I know there are some but there hasn't been anything new in a very long time, if I remember correctly) and even things more martial art in nature. The might expansion to healing has been pleasant. There is so much to tap into in both of these areas for power ideas. Although I know FX is a dicey area, think of taking the mechanic of another power and reskin it to make the whole process simpler. Take some of the following as examples:
Rippling Serenity
Martial Arts - Maintain - PBAoE Heal
Your control over your chi allows you to wash nearby allies with rejuvenating energy
Reskinned Epidemic (with power tweaks)
Palm of Life
Martial Arts - Revive
You summon a blast of chi focused on an ally's heart, reviving them. Adv Wave of Resurrection, revive up to five nearby players.
Reskinned... (??? No idea but it sounded neat. I see it as a palm thrust at the ground)
Metabolic Healnade
Gadgeteering - AoE Heal
Throw a device filled with a metabolic booster, hastening the healing of all exposed to it
Reskinned Vala's Light meshed with a grenade
Gadgeteering - Maintain Heal
Shower an ally with restorative ray of energy
Reskinned Empathic Healing (with a gun as the emanation point)
Floral Breeze
Wind - Maintain Cone Heal
Summon a refreshing breeze that stimulates vitality and restoration
Reskinned Arcane Vitality with petal particles instead of symbols
Shock of Vitality
Electricity - Maintain Heal
Zap an ally with electric energy purposed to boost healing, chance to arc to nearby allies (last part as an advantage?)
Reskinned Empathic Healing (use Lightning Arc's FX if you are feeling tight on time, mix it with Empathetic Healing's skin if you aren't)
Third, silly powers. CO has never taken itself seriously, and I feel that is one of its strengths. Comic books in general require logic leaps, and I would love to see a few support powers (or otherwise) in this vein. I do not believe every power should be like it is stepping out of a movie with super realistic realism. I do not have any concrete examples except for one that I desperately desire to be in game.
Healing Kiss
a simple heal, perhaps HoT
Literally have this as an emote, just slap it on a power.
(Confession time, I have a new male character who's special power is his physique and being an all around great guy. This would fit him perfectly.)
Despite the title, I actually have no idea if any of these could be easily done and if reskinning is as simple as it seems when I have no knowledge of code. Again, there is still the FX that may need to be created, and that is not always feasible. While I would love more unique powers with their own mechanics, I tried to keep the ones in this thread on the simpler side as I feel that is the best way to have it implemented with things being the way they are with CO. While loads of new content is not CO's strength, please give us more of that SwEeT CuStOmiZaTiON in the form of more thematic powers that align with the ideas we have in mind for our characters. I'm only trying to generate ideas to aid this process, so please share some of your own that you feel might be relatively simple to implement! Also I focused on Healing support powers in the OP, but feel free to talk about other support powers you'd like to see in a different theme. I'll start!
Motes of Subtly
Telepathy - Sigil - AoE Stealth Buff and Heal
Summon five manifestations of telepathic power that aid in stealthing and healing
Reskinned Sigils of Radiant Sanctuary
Motes of Scorn
Telepathy - Sigil - AoE Debuff
Summon five manifestations of telepathic power that cause enemies to doubt their capabilities and weaken their blows.
Reskinned Sigils of Ebon Weakness
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
@blu8 in game!

I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
I like the ideas for reskins, but I think it would be better to add little differences to make them a bit more unique, like how warmth provides some resistance to the target, rather just working exactly like empathic healing.
A personal note, I'd like a hand emanating version of rejuvaray (rejuvabeam maybe?) For power armor and similar concepts. Tech in general is sorely lacking in everything support (except maybe pets but *cringe*)
Very cool ideas! I might add some of my own to the mix if I have time.
Ideally, I want the same thing. I would like each powerset to be able to give their own flavor to support and for them all to have their own uniqueness. All around support needs more expansion in almost every way (which is thankfully happening a little bit at a time). There are enough support powers to accomplish effective healing and even CC (such as cosmics), but there needs to be more styles of this so support characters aren't stuck recycling the same few builds.
I'll put it simply. There would ideally be as many diverse ways to support a team as there are to deal damage. Think of the great variety of DPS builds available. I'd love to see support given some of that in terms of themes (and some mechanics).
And ahhhh!! That sounds excellent for PA! Looking forward to reading whatever you might post.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
Cryogenic Spray
A mobile, AoE cone heal that sacrifices range for being able to move while using it.
Cryogenic Field
A shield much like Mindful Reinforcement, but instead of having to wait for the heal, the shield value slowly depletes and heals over its life time.
An ice resurrect power that revives the target, but places them in a hold for a few seconds while they heal to full health. While held, targets are immune (or at least extremely resistant to damage).
Personal Force Field
Can't take credit for this one, but I heard from a friend who heard from someone in zone that the best way to fix Personal Force Field is to make it like an aura and have it apply a small shield to everyone affected. I agreed so much I had to add it here, so whomever suggested it, great idea!
Floral Aegis
A spherical AoE version of Floral Breeze that @blumoon8 mentioned above, but whirlwind style. Can look like a calm version of hurricane when used without a target.
Your standard resurrect power, but electric! Advantage to have this power also raise zombies like Rebirth. This advantage must unconditionally be named IT'S ALIIIIIIVE!
Regeneration Engine
A summoned gadget that heals in a large PBAoE. Can have an advantage to do the same for energy.
Metabolic Dart
HoT click heal. Advantages for fun stuff like energy and stuff. Emanation point from hand and possibly a secondary power for a gadget gun version.
As mentioned previously, this would be a Power Armor beam heal. Possibly have it act like plasma beam and be a hand slot, so it can be used in conjunction with other PA powers.
Sanctuary Field
A healing rune for PA that provides resistance to allies. Optionally could also work as an ultimate that massively increases resistance for allies below a 20% threshold, keeping them from dying.
Stim Pack
Plugging a suggestion from @speanoz in their excellent thread of munitions suggestions. This would be a strong melee heal to make good use of the new syringe gloves
Medic Training
A munitions passive suggested in the same thread. Provides AoE damage resistance to the user. Grants greatly increased healing to allies within 15ft(ish) of the user. Slightly decreases threat generation. Ideally made for healers that need to get up close and personal to get the job done.
A munitions active offense or equivalent replacer power that gives allies a boost to damage and charge speed, otherwise could be an alternative version of howl with a less feral animation.
Lazarus Arrow
A ranged resurrect power. Shoot your dead friends to bring them back to life... somehow!
Lost a previous version cuz I'm a dummy and I didn't save it properly, so that's all for now. Might post more later!
I thought that description sounded cool... does that mean I'm a nerd?
Also for Healing Kiss, we already have a power that uses the "blow a kiss" remote in Infernal, so that'd fit right in there and we could slowly be building some sort of "succubus" subset of powers in there.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Speaking of broadening the range of support powers, I think that bubbles / force fields - brought in line w/ healing - could be good, one of my wishes for a potential Force rework.
Some kind of ice armor would also be a neat form of support for the ice set. Not sure if that would be best implemented by additional HP, a temporary damage resist buff, or a bit of both.
Swords and Shields!
Plant Abilities!
LOL No, no. I felt I was making a stretch writing it up, BUT IF YOU LIKE IT, then thank you! It works.
And nice idea about the "succubus" powerset. I can think of a few different "kissing" powers that would be fun to have in the game. The only issue is finding a way to differentiate them. Healing kiss would be a nice basic but then there's also the potential for another "Kiss" offensive power with all kinds of advantages that could bridge a lot of builds. The advantages would of course add things like clinging flames, fear, illumination, disorient, etc. An advantage for each status that could allow it to be seamlessly added to any kind of theme. I don't imagine the base power would be particularly strong, maybe adds poison or something to the target.
These are all amazing! Thank you for the contributions!! I have to say that Lazarus Arrow is one of my favorites, if only for the name alone. I also like how you bounced off of my power idea and made Floral Aegis. I imagine it may have some sort of an AoE Shielding component, as an adv that increased cost and lowered heal... or something. I truly adore all of them.
And thank you to the rest of you for checking out the thread! I agree that Ice could use some neat powers in general (so many cool ice things to play with for that) and Force definitely, deliriously, needs a rework (and has for awhile). I personally don't understand why it HAS to knock. Just let it be pure energy with a neat mechanic. I'll definitely have to check out the Force rework thread.
I'll hop in here to see if I can pop in some more support powers soon. I'll let the new ones be more complex.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!