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Clean up Big Monster AoEs plez!

vonqballvonqball Posts: 942 Arc User
I died to Mega Destroid frontal cone attack earlier today. I was standing about 5' behind his rear foot. I don't think that should happen. Attacks AoEs should be consistent with the animations. And frontal cones shouldn't hit people who are behind the..uhhhmm... coner! Ape breathes on his own butt, and Kiga does kiga things that kill people who get pushed too close. These invisible death zones should just go away.

Bubbles should also match up exactly with the AoE of the attack they are warning of. With lag and bodyblocking and all that fun stuff, we don't need visual misinformation too.

Think about it!


  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    What's odd is that the position of the monster's current target seems to affect not just the rotation of the cone, but also its position. S'why the tank standing far back as possible can keep melee from being killed by frost breath backblast.

    I've never actually seen Ape hit people behind him, but he does have a fairly mean side zone on that.

    An alternate fix to this would be to just make the VFX for the attack bigger so it actually fills the entire collision area - that would at least let us know why we just died instead of making us ask "Was it ghosts?". VFX and collision not matching up is apparently a long standing issue... remember how long it took them to make the lava patches at ape actually match up their VFX and collision?
  • vonqballvonqball Posts: 942 Arc User
    Ohhh... that's weird! I mean, the point of origin changing with target distance. I didn't know that happened.

    Yeah, changing the VFX to include the "buttdeathzones" would also work. Like a ring of fire around ape while he breathes or something.

    Ofc, if it only happens when the target is close then that makes finding a neat solution even more complicated.

    Some of the AoEs are also mis-aligned in the 4th dimension too. Like, you need to block the destroid bubbles early to avoid maximum damage (I'm fine with that ofc)... but you don't actually have to be blocking when the explosion happens... which is just unacceptable silliness!
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    The problem is that the way cones (and cylinders) work is that they have a center line, and extend perpendicular to that line out to a certain radius (this radius is fixed for a cylinder, variable for a cone). Most giant monster cone attacks have a fairly wide initial radius because otherwise you can dodge them by getting really close and having it pass over your head. What this means is that the cone extends quite a bit sideways from the initial attack. For some reason most cones don't have tells (the only example I can think of is portal guardian -- and it is completely wrong), but you can see the same effect fairly easily with cylinder tells (e.g. Gravitar Clone in TA).

    Separately from this, there are some tells that are just wrong. Other than PG, above, mega-destroid thunderclap has an orange bubble tell, but the bubble does not seem to have anything to do with where the attack actually hits.
  • Can we have this, pretty please?
  • squirrelloidsquirrelloid Posts: 876 Arc User
    All cones should show *accurate* wireframes. Not only would this help us know where to stand (or not to stand), but for a fight like dual mega Ds it would let us know when the *other* Mega D was about to unleash FOOM death on us.
  • vonqballvonqball Posts: 942 Arc User
    mega-destroid thunderclap has an orange bubble tell, but the bubble does not seem to have anything to do with where the attack actually hits.

    Yah, I still only have a vague idea of what that orange-bubble attack actually looks like. Real area of affect seems quite small.

  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    There's several factors that can cause this stupid stuff to happen:
    • The most common explanation is network latency, the hit detection on an attack is measuring where you were a few milliseconds before the actual visual hit of the attack occurs. Of course, this doesn't account for any situations where you think you're already out of the way/aren't actively moving to avoid and frankly this explanation gets drilled into the ground in a ton of network-based multiplayer games.
    • This is the more insidious explanation that can occur in any game type if it's not properly accounted for: hitbox sizes. In researching all this I found there's even a dang tvtropes page on this. Consider this crude 2D diagram of 3D space:
      The blue box is an approximation of a player's hit volume. In this case, it's a cube that covers the entire body of the character. The yellow circle is an AoE being generated by a bomb going off, and in champions, this does and could have a sphere model that just about accurately reflects this AoE's volume (I say just about due to limitations of polycount versus the absolute roundness that can be reflected via coded AoEs, but that's a minor point.)
      The red star shows the point at which the player's hit area intersects with the bombs blast, even though the visual character model is outside the radius of the blast. So while it looks like the player is safe, they are not. And this can happen surprisingly often even in 2D games, as it's generally much easier to measure how collisions interact between simple shapes (circles, squares) than it is to measure collisions between individual pixels of an image. I'm completely positive that the way that character hit areas in CO are calculated is by using crude cube volumes, or some other rough approximation like this - otherwise we wouldn't keep getting these issues of clicking randomly on an area even remotely close to a player model with big wings and targeting that person instead of what actual enemy we might want to be attacking.
      It's kind of amusing because the issue of pixel-perfect collision is something that some games like Star Control 2 have solved creatively in the past, and yet we keep getting hung up on stuff like approximation of shape and the need to avoid concaves at all costs, when 90% of the time we aren't really even using the collisions to calculate physical reactions such as elasticity, which is mainly where those complexity issues arise.
      While one solution is to use a much more detailed hit volume measure for hit detection - most FPS' use a plain cube or capsule for calculating hit detection for character movement, but then measure ray-traced bullet shots locationally on a set of shapes rigged to the approximate skeleton of a player model - This usually isn't necessary for games where high precision isn't necessary. That's usually something you see in the context of FPS simply because having reliable feedback is really important to making a player-versus-player, fast-paced chaotic game actually work properly.
      A simpler solution that both saves player headache and conserves a lot of computation time would be to have AoEs like this just measured against the center point of a player - that's not even an extra component you need to tack on to an entity, all you do is create the attack's hit area and see whether the position of some target (npc or not) is within that area. That position data's already being leveraged by a ton of other things: determining where the character is standing, measuring line of sight... But it does raise some issues especially if this were to be leveraged on extremely large enemies. Thing is, this could be a feature only enabled for player entities or characters below some size limit (a limit beyond what players can achieve, barring the super-magnifier because it doesn't actually change your hitbox size and also doesn't really exist anymore). It also is an issue that already happens on some really big targets! Ever tried using a cone AoE combo on a giant monster to just have certain hits not register? I know I have. Actually, I've had that happen on things that aren't even giant monsters:
      (if it's not linking to the middle of the video, go to 7:34 to see me fail to hit an object with a combo)
      Which makes me suspect another factor that's more directly related to the FOOM issue at hand:
    • Cone hit detection is just straight-up jank. In fact, of all the hit-types generated in this game, it'd probably have the least accurate display of where it covers because the way that the hit area a cone is calculated isn't really a cone, but more a sub-section of a full sphere. I say this because most tooltips of cone powers display the AoE they cover in the context of degrees angle, not final radius of the hit location.
      That's really insidious, because using only the information of 'degrees coverage' and 'range' as a basis for constructing a cone hit area, this is how I'd do it:
      1. Start with a sphere with a radius that is the range of the cone, and a vector line indicating the direction the cone is being aimed.
      2. Exclude all area that is beyond a specific angle's difference from the vector. This would produce a circle intersecting the sphere, perpendicular to that vector.
      3. Perform hit detection. Any hitboxes that satisfy a ray-trace from the origin of the cone, to a point on the sphere that is on the same side as the main direction vector as that circle, counts as a hit.
      The only major advantage this has versus defining a cone by "range and radius" rather than "range and angle" is that the cone can then be conditioned to reach beyond 180 degrees, forming a hit area that's like a sphere with a weird conical section missing (for lack of a better analogy, a cross-section or 2d equivalent of this shape would look like pac-man). Aside from like maybe a few melee AoEs though, this condition almost never occurs.
      The implementation has some pretty nasty implications because:
      1. Hit detection at the root of that cone can get really messy, there's a lot of corner-space that the cone can still technically cover really close to the origin. Things become a bit more distinct once the target being hit is further from that origin.
      2. Most cone hit tracers in CO display a cone with a flat end (i.e. an actual cone). What this would produce is a cone with a rounded bottom, meaning it doesn't quite reach as far at the cone's outer edges.
      Probably still doesn't fully explain what's happening here, as there's still discrepancy about where exactly the cone of the MegaD is coming from (big targets usually originate stuff from their foot area), where it's being aimed since it doesn't display a tracer (also big because while its animation shows horizontal rotation, it does not show vertical rotation at all) And frankly there's way too many unknowns about the exact degreeage of the cone it's firing out or if the model I'm hypothesizing is even close to accurate.
      Alternatively from my model (and possibly it might be closer to the truth) the hit area might just be a 2D circle that's cast along the Y axis with only points within that specific angle counting as possible to hit. Then, if something technically within that area is also within the main range of the attack, it will count as a full hit. The hit volume that produces would look like a slice of orange.
      Frankly that would explain a lot more about the behavior that I've seen, including situations where I've been hit by the FOOM while hovering almost directly above the MegaD: certainly a lot more than the sphere-subtraction model I was postulating about.

    In short: cones are dumb, hitboxes are too big.
    Post edited by bluhman on
    How to block a user with μblock:
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    vonqball wrote: »
    Yah, I still only have a vague idea of what that orange-bubble attack actually looks like. Real area of affect seems quite small.
    I have been hit by it while well outside of the bubble, and completely unaffected while inside the bubble. I think the bubble is just wrong.
  • vonqballvonqball Posts: 942 Arc User
    ^ I have as well. I used to try and dodge out of the bubble radius, which lead to a few deaths. Now I just block, and rarely am even hit unless I'm directly in front of the robo. It's a head scratcher.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    Orange bubble also does absolutely no damage if you block it correctly. "blocking correctly" being the latency-accounting version of "correctly".
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  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    Btw, as far as I know cones in CO are actually flat at both start and end, they aren't segments of a sphere; a cylinder is a degenerate case of a cone that just has the same radius at start and end.

    Most player cones have an initial radius of 0, but NPC powers don't always do that.
  • fermifermi Posts: 117 Arc User
    I usually fly in the Mega D fights and the orange bubble never has been able to hit me at all. I concluded it was some kind of ground effect.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    spinnytop wrote: »
    So what does the orange attack do?
    Damage. I've sometimes gotten oneshotted by it. While nowhere nearby (and no, it isn't ground only).
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    Btw, as far as I know cones in CO are actually flat at both start and end, they aren't segments of a sphere; a cylinder is a degenerate case of a cone that just has the same radius at start and end.

    Most player cones have an initial radius of 0, but NPC powers don't always do that.

    That'd cleanly explain how and why 'cones' nearby the origin target can still hit, especially on large stuff. Doesn't explain what kind of shape a '200 degree cone' would be though.
    How to block a user with μblock:
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    Related- I REALLY WISH The Teleosaurus' Tail Whip attack had a Wireframe warning
    not only as a quality of life and an actual warning, but to help newbies from STOP STANDING ON THE TAIL WHIP RANGE​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    avianos wrote: »
    Related- I REALLY WISH The Teleosaurus' Tail Whip attack had a Wireframe warning
    not only as a quality of life and an actual warning, but to help newbies from STOP STANDING ON THE TAIL WHIP RANGE​​

    Or people could just start blocking it o3o
  • baelogventurebaelogventure Posts: 520 Arc User
    bluhman wrote: »
    Btw, as far as I know cones in CO are actually flat at both start and end, they aren't segments of a sphere; a cylinder is a degenerate case of a cone that just has the same radius at start and end.

    Most player cones have an initial radius of 0, but NPC powers don't always do that.

    That'd cleanly explain how and why 'cones' nearby the origin target can still hit, especially on large stuff. Doesn't explain what kind of shape a '200 degree cone' would be though.

    A 200 degree cone is taking a 180 degree cone and adding 10 degrees on each side. Just take half of the pie and add a little more on each side.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    Another mystery is, if it's 360 degrees why/how is it still a cone?

    As for what a 200 degree cone attack looks like, my best guess is
    The red circle is melee range. The cone basically has to start behind the player and starts out wider than it ends. I'm not sure this is right though because then technically it would hit targets behind the player, like Cleave does. So I dunno... maybe they have to use 2 collision volumes for this.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User

    A 200 degree cone is taking a 180 degree cone and adding 10 degrees on each side. Just take half of the pie and add a little more on each side.

    Right, which would map up to this model roughly (excuse crappy art):
    More clearly, here's what this looks like if viewing it from top-down:

    It's treating the attack as if it were a "cone" as viewed from above, but the real term for that wouldn't be 'cone', that's an 'arc'. That's not even me just being pedantic either, because a cone's a lot simpler to calculate what area it'd cover based on, again, the length of that cone (range), and what radius that cone has at the end of that length ("angle" or coverage). There also straight-up just isn't an angle on a cone that can ever become that wide without the cone's shape imploding in on itself.

    In the case of large stuff, then ok yeah there'd also be the radius at its starting point. Maybe that's a fixed size based on how big the thing using the power is. That wouldn't surprise me, as there has to be some kind of logic that helps handle exactly how range of stuff like melee attacks is calculated on giant monsters. If we were to just measure from the center of a giant monster to the center of a player - well, most targets that size have a hit volume that vastly expands beyond the 10 feet of a melee attack.

    Also the arc still doesn't account for exactly how this thing operates in 3D space, like how far up or down it reaches, or how that hit area is shaped. The best I can figure if this is actually what happening with a 'cone' is that the volume looks like a slice of orange. Alternatives to that could be that it looks like a slice of cake. Or a cake with a slice missing if the angle is over 180 deg. Maybe that cylinder shape extends up and down the range of the attack, or maybe it extends endlessly vertically, or it angles based on where the cone's being aimed, but a lot of that would be way more complicated than necessary... Of course, this is cryptic math we're dealing with here so
    How to block a user with μblock:
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    edited September 2019
    Yeah, the discussion of cones of 180 degrees or more convinces me I'm wrong that all cones are flat, but I also know that some cones are wide base (Kaiz has said as much, and there's no other way to account for where you can get hit by Kiga breath, Qwyjibo breath, or Qwyjibo roar), so there might be two classes of 'cone' or something. Until they get accurate wireframe tells, no way of knowing for certain.

    While we're at it, the game decides whether or not you can use a cylinder attack based on the distance to the edge of the target, but determines hitting based on the center, so if you use a cylinder attack at max range on a large creature you fail to hit it.
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