"The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!
We’re going away. Pack your ****, folks. We’re going away. And we won’t leave much of a trace, either. Thank God for that. Maybe a little Styrofoam … The planet’ll be here and we’ll be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet’ll shake us off like a bad case of fleas.
The planet will be here for a long, long, LONG time after we’re gone, and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, ’cause that’s what it does. It’s a self-correcting system. The air and the water will recover, the earth will be renewed. And if it’s true that plastic is not degradable, well, the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm: the earth plus plastic. The earth doesn’t share our prejudice toward plastic. Plastic came out of the earth. The earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children. Could be the only reason the earth allowed us to be spawned from it in the first place. It wanted plastic for itself. Didn’t know how to make it. Needed us. Could be the answer to our age-old egocentric philosophical question, “Why are we here?”
Okay, if Earth isn't getting an update, can we at least get a patch for North America? The politicians are getting a little weird...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
I used to love George Carlin's comedy. But as he got older he seemed to get increasingly bitter and nasty.
He's right, though, the Earth will pick itself up just fine after we're gone. What saddens me is that we look to be taking a lot of our fellow life forms with us, when it's not necessary.
But plastic is biodegradable. Everything on the planet is, even metal and stone. It just takes a few centuries to degrade plastic.
OTOH politicians' brains seem to degrade quite rapidly.
Actually, this geologic era has been labelled the 'Anthropocene Era' for the simple reason that geologist believe that humans have made so many large-scale changes to the planets surface that they will be evident for geologic periods of time.
Not the least of these is the frequent and easy travel humans engage in, often with biological hitch-hikers which have caused almost all terrestrial biomes to merge into one, single, global biome with a resulting large-scale loss of global biodiversity as the best predators in every biome end up eliminating everything else around the planet.
It is true, however, that most of the things we think of as human impacts - buildings, dams, etc - will probably vanish within a century or two if we do. Though I hear a well-sealed jar of honey will still be edible after a millennium or two.
I used to live in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, a major metal mining and smelting center. For decades the smoke-stacks of the smelters spewed pollution into the region's atmosphere unfiltered. Although anti-pollution standards have mostly eliminated that, the surfaces of exposed rock around Sudbury (of which there's a great deal in that part of the world) are dyed black from generations of soot permeating them. I'm sure that will still be in evidence eons from now.
BTW the strip-mines around Sudbury were used for training the Apollo astronauts for moon walks. It was the closest match NASA could find to the surface of the Moon.
Actually, this geologic era has been labelled the 'Anthropocene Era' for the simple reason that geologist believe that humans have made so many large-scale changes to the planets surface that they will be evident for geologic periods of time.
I prefer 'late quaternary mass extinction'. But yes, we're doing things that will be detectable in a billion years.
I used to love George Carlin's comedy. But as he got older he seemed to get increasingly bitter and nasty.
Probably because watching humanity year after year of the same if not more of the narrow minded, unenlightened, self serving types aren't willing to change for the better, perpetuating the complacency, you can understand his disposition despite talking about it for years, I can empathize/sympathize.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Onto the point at hand, Earth power set is probably a long ways off as from what I understand as what was stated in other places, earth would need significant overhauls to the point of rebuilding the set from scratch. So most likely other sets will come long before Earth is touched.
I would personally love to see an earth set update myself, I think this set needs a lot of love, but it won't be a small feat.
I agree that Earth needs to be looked at. However, in my opinion I think that Force is the set that requires the most urgent look...
While I agree Force does need a look to, mostly in adjustments and PFF needs a major overhaul (which means the set is far off from having a look at itself), Earth, Archery, and Celestial are in worse straights right now. Gadgeteering is another ball of problems that needs a major go over, especially in the case of pets and how they work.
I actually enjoy both my archery character and my celestial character...
My earth, on the other hand, I do not play very much. I would, as the original poster mentioned, love to see some actual melee attacks in earth. I would like to see melee attacks for a few specialties though, like ice for example.
Regarding force, if they would just make force cascade work like gigabolt I would be happy. It is the shutting down of your passive that makes it so rough, and yes I've tried many alternative ways of doing it but my force character currently sits unused.
Devs don't care about the powersets that they personally don't care about. You're lucky that Fissure got a healing rune update and that Earth finally got an EU. I wouldn't expect much more TBH, but do look forward to more Bestial powers.
Devs don't care about the powersets that they personally don't care about. You're lucky that Fissure got a healing rune update and that Earth finally got an EU. I wouldn't expect much more TBH, but do look forward to more Bestial powers.
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"The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!
We’re going away. Pack your ****, folks. We’re going away. And we won’t leave much of a trace, either. Thank God for that. Maybe a little Styrofoam … The planet’ll be here and we’ll be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet’ll shake us off like a bad case of fleas.
The planet will be here for a long, long, LONG time after we’re gone, and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, ’cause that’s what it does. It’s a self-correcting system. The air and the water will recover, the earth will be renewed. And if it’s true that plastic is not degradable, well, the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm: the earth plus plastic. The earth doesn’t share our prejudice toward plastic. Plastic came out of the earth. The earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children. Could be the only reason the earth allowed us to be spawned from it in the first place. It wanted plastic for itself. Didn’t know how to make it. Needed us. Could be the answer to our age-old egocentric philosophical question, “Why are we here?”
Plastic… asshole.”
― George Carlin
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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He's right, though, the Earth will pick itself up just fine after we're gone. What saddens me is that we look to be taking a lot of our fellow life forms with us, when it's not necessary.
But plastic is biodegradable. Everything on the planet is, even metal and stone. It just takes a few centuries to degrade plastic.
OTOH politicians' brains seem to degrade quite rapidly.
Not the least of these is the frequent and easy travel humans engage in, often with biological hitch-hikers which have caused almost all terrestrial biomes to merge into one, single, global biome with a resulting large-scale loss of global biodiversity as the best predators in every biome end up eliminating everything else around the planet.
It is true, however, that most of the things we think of as human impacts - buildings, dams, etc - will probably vanish within a century or two if we do. Though I hear a well-sealed jar of honey will still be edible after a millennium or two.
BTW the strip-mines around Sudbury were used for training the Apollo astronauts for moon walks. It was the closest match NASA could find to the surface of the Moon.
Epic Stronghold
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Probably because watching humanity year after year of the same if not more of the narrow minded, unenlightened, self serving types aren't willing to change for the better, perpetuating the complacency, you can understand his disposition despite talking about it for years, I can empathize/sympathize.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
I would personally love to see an earth set update myself, I think this set needs a lot of love, but it won't be a small feat.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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While I agree Force does need a look to, mostly in adjustments and PFF needs a major overhaul (which means the set is far off from having a look at itself), Earth, Archery, and Celestial are in worse straights right now. Gadgeteering is another ball of problems that needs a major go over, especially in the case of pets and how they work.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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My earth, on the other hand, I do not play very much. I would, as the original poster mentioned, love to see some actual melee attacks in earth. I would like to see melee attacks for a few specialties though, like ice for example.
Regarding force, if they would just make force cascade work like gigabolt I would be happy. It is the shutting down of your passive that makes it so rough, and yes I've tried many alternative ways of doing it but my force character currently sits unused.
Hey look, a meme u3u
My super cool CC build and how to use it.