Ten tailor if you're level 16: MC PH, Canada PH, Desert PH, MC's tailor circle, Desert's ground level Tent by the super plane, Canada's npc gathering area, Dojo, Arcane Library, Caprice Club, Workshop.
On top of this, MI PH, Tailor by the crafting table ion MI, The sub in Lemuria, Lemuria's PH, VB PH, The Dock at VB by the gambling ship, Warzone, and the Minefield.
There is also a new dance. Start the Canadian Gothic quest up in Canada. It should be south west from Kiga's shrine. Save a goth, accept quest, and then finish it. When you turn in your quest, go to Vibora Bay > Minefield Club. Find the Goth Kid and talk to him. Have fun with the dance_gloom.
This is a work-in-progress, obviously. Feel free to add your own information and/or add corrections.
Millennium City
- Carl's Gym has a tailor just to the left of the door when you enter.
- Club Caprice tailor is at the back left side of the lounge area.
- Arcana Library tailor is under the platform.
- Dojo tailor is toward the back left when you enter.
- Inventions Workshop tailor is about mid-left when you enter.
- MC Powerhouse tailor is Sally, you have to get close enough for the "talk to Sally" prompt to appear alongside the "tailor" prompt. (Each zone's Sally counts individually.)
- Ren Center tailor is the one near Toy Master.
Canadian Wilderness
- Force Station Steelhead tailor is the regular tailor across from Justiciar
- CW Powerhouse tailor is Sally. (Each zone's Sally counts individually.)
Southwest Desert
- Project Greenskin tailor is Officer Thompson, standing outside a tent on the right side below the transport.
- SW D Powerhouse tailor is Sally. (Each zone's Sally counts individually.)
Vibora Bay
- VB Powerhouse tailor is Sally. (Each zone's Sally counts individually.)
The goth quest is eluding me. I talked to a Tuque Rayzner before he ran off but he didn't offer me a quest so I'm a tad lost right now. Oh, this may be why: [23:19] [Zone] Jetron@vegasblackout: if you already did that mission in the past, you can go right to Minefield and talk to the goth kid for the reward
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