I have made it my personal quest for some time now to get this perk. So personal, in fact, I feel like my name is becoming Ahab!
Anyway, to achieve this seemingly-elusive perk, the description says "Complete all of the Aegir Diver perks as well as all Lemuria Exploration perks". Fine. As of Tuesday night, these are the perks, in Lemuria, toward the Aegir Master Diver perk, I have completed:
-Aegir Cave Diver
-Aegir Wreck Diver
- Rift-Runner
- Torpedo Run
- Lemurian Cartographer
- Lemurian Explorer
- Lemurian Spawn Camper.
Now, according to my perks list, I am NOT missing anything. So, why am I not being awarded the Master Diver Perk? Does someone who has the MAster Diver Perk know if I am missaing any perks, and if so which ones, and what I must still do to accomplish this goal? I tried contacting a GM to see if they knew what the deal was but they told me to check the forums. So, I turn to you good people for help.
Thank you for the help, in advance!
Okay, thanks. I'll try that one. I think i did a similar mission. But, with Lemuria missions... ANYTHING is possible!
I will post back here once/if I get the perk. (Funny thing is, that one doesn't come up on my in-game list of perks.)
Well, thank you very much for the help! Now, onto the next!
Those caves are such a pain.