Everyone loves Telepathy... right?


no ( ._.)
So have been playing this character project 1 year now and noticing some weird side effects on the world's visuals
Personal Auras are Disabled in the first gif to make sure they are not related (reference Ice Sheath aura was causing texture issues in Lemuria)
IMPORTANT NOTE: The steams flickering is also happening very often in other characters and i cannot pinpoint what other powers are causing it, it could be WORMs' attack as well, but again Warzone is falling apart with other visual gltiches (thats for another thread)
However Ego Sprites are 100% causing this steam flickering which became more and more common after recent updates

High Noon confirmed my suspicions about Ego Sprites as well, they turn off the Sandstorm
My initial thought was that this is the Sideffect of the DEVs underground changes in the game with the balance of multiple visual rerources in open world fights

Seems it only affects Gas Visuals and some
sorcery visuals from the Soul Cages in warzone
Yes, bug fixed.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I will try to find other powers that also causing this