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FC.31.20190510.7 - Misc Changes
Destroyer's Factory
- Added weapon display devices as possible drops from this lair.
- Added Destroyer Drone costume as a possible drop.
- Added Destroyer Gauntlet device as a possible drop.
- Fixed a bug where the Fabricator Arms could be continuously programmed.
- Added bound versions of weapon display devices to questionite store.
- Slightly increased the health of the Gadroon Mercenaries device.
- Updated the tooltip on the Destroyer's Head device.
- Added Destroyer and Mechanon drone pet options for Support Drones.
Can i we have a Full Weapon Display Device Pack in Z-store?
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Add a display device for Unarmed Martial Arts as well since players that use the keybind to display weapons also use that keybind to put themselves into the unarmed combat pose.
This is actually a really good idea to encourage people into running the instance, while also building an economy around said devices.
... and this completely destroys the previous statement ಠ_ಠ
Can't you at least wait 6 months before adding them to Q Store? I guarantee you after all the work put into revamping Destroyer Factory exactly 0 people will run it if the devices are added Q store day 1.
As for the bug, I got two images.
There is a small opening at the Head bucket where the player could go inside, whether by choice or by a knock back from the bots, and either hide or get stuck inside said bucket.
I must vehemently complain about said store addition, if inevitable, to be done in the Q store.
Questionite is the most easily available currency in the game, even more so than resources.
If anything put the Weapon Devices in the GCR Store for something like 150 GCR.
Or make them tradeable for 1 Diamond 1 Other Rampage Currency and some SCR/GCR.
No one and their grandmother will run this instance if it's added to Questionite Store when you can gain Questionite from:
- Cosmics
- Vigilance
- Alert Dailies
- AP/CS Dailies
- Mechanon
- QWZ Dailies
- TA
- OMs
- Rampages
- Event Dailies
- Questionite Boxes from bosses
- Questionite Crates from Lockboxes
- Zen Conversion
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Hah, called it.
Nice to see that they think about those who don't want to run the Destroyed Factory. However, I think I'd prefer if it was a drop in the lair only. So peeps would actually do it.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
You also don’t need to run events to get vendor items, doesn’t stop people from playing.
Event Store uses Event Currency. There are only 3 sources of Event Currency:
- Event stuff
- Drifter Salvage Boxes
- Lockboxes
2 of those options are indirectly tied with spending rl cash, thus people opt for the ingame farm option.
It's not an ability, it's a bug abuse. Powerscancelallactivations is a debug command, not an RP command
lol, you're over-reaching for Reeeeeeee purposes.
We possess the means to do it, therefore it's an ability. Put in a bug report if you think it's a bug.... or maybe open a poll about it.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
By this insane troll logic, Powerscancelallactivations should still allow the growth effect of Mini Drive to stick, because "wE pOssEsS tHe MeaNS tHerEForE iT's An ABiLitY"
Also, using charge attacks with toggles. we also PoSsEssEd tHE mEaNs tHerEForE iT's An ABiLitY, and yet that was also fixed too.
If bugs were fixed, then fine. You can't do those things now so they are not abilities we have as players. You've still to show the weapons out command is a bug. Send in a bug report... that should get you your answer.
Sums it up
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
I do lament however that I would have liked to see zone for once filled with "LFG to actually do stuff" instead of the usual zone gibberish.
This is why in all my feedbacks regarding the Destroyer Factory revamp I continually stressed out the importance of rewards.
At the end of the day, it seems like the dev team wasted 4+ months of time and resources that could have been spent elsewhere and players wasted time bug testing a lair that will not be run at all (re: vikorin's lair)
If personal magnifiers were ever to be incorporated as Lair only drops, I wouldn't mind farming them at all., or buying them from other players that took the time to farm them, thus making the economy spin.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Just go read the wiki description (and it's not even the good wiki), the purpose of the power is to provide players a manual way to deactivate powers that get stuck (most common example PA toggles that keep on firing on a dead enemy despite being untoggled, or some mantains like LArc or Incinerate).
The way people are using it to keep weapons out is by permorming a very specific set of additional steps that are not required for the proper usage of the powercancelsallactivations command.
That a dev would shrug and say it's cool doesn't change the fact it's a bug.
And even if it were, it doesn't change the fact that it's an ability we already have in-game.... my original point that still stands
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
I will say that my issue is with it being available for raw purchase so soon. I think it should eventually be available by virtue of it being random, similar to some of the SCR purchasable things that also have a drop.
> Agree that's not going to especially tempt people to run the lair, but I assume the primary rares are the other two and the weapon display devices are a second tier reward, similar to getting Vikorin primaries.
Phone quoting woot \o/
Anywho the devices not being as rare as some other lair rewards (nemesis confrontation costumes, vikorin device) is all the more reason not to include them in Q store. Knowing that there is a decent chance to get a drop that you can sell for 300-500g per run would further encourage people to run said lair.
If lair has a decent chance BUT also you can just bypass purchase said reward then why the heck even bother
This lair is still part of a leveling quest chain, so there is still motivation for people to do it. I imagine the hope with this update is that when those leveling up say "Anybody wanna help me finish this quest?" in zone, somebody without the quest now might have just a bit more motivation to run it with them beyond just wanting to be helpful. I'm not sure "getting lvl 40s to run this lair en masse" was an objective, nor that it necessarily should be. After all they didn't make it an Epic lair, they made it "a mid-level lair that happens to have something for higher level people too".
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I'm sure some people will run it just for the experience and opportunity to team up in non Cosmic or Endgame lair style content.
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I am @RavenForce in game
If I run it, it's gonna be for the dumb "Fist Pet" device u3u
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
As I said in Discord, I'll see y'all in 6 months and we'll compare notes and see if we can count the numbers of Destroid Factory runs in 2 hands.
I'll run it for the costumes, gauntlets and devices
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
I notice that. I move my Target Status related stuff and Open Mission/PvP somewhere else and those got move back to the default location from this update.
I bet it's the weapon display devices. Quick! Stick them in PTS for 1 year to proper test them o3o
What's there to test? We already know what's wrong u3u just gotta fix it.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Well, when this goes LIVE perhaps we could both get a few people together and encourage runs? But if you'd rather not support or encourage that...well I dunno what to tell you.
Once people run through it and understand it to some extent, they'll try all sorts of stuff with it. I know for myself, I'm eager to see how this goes down on LIVE...if it'll be something which is soul destroying or is something which is actually fun and completed with a team of attentive players (and no, I don't mean like STE lol, that can be soul destroying).
As mentioned already, if this is still meant to be in line with the mission chain it provides...it should be done quite a bit if people are running through mission chains.
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
That's ravenously insane. Please calm down ravenforce, you're going super nuts o3o
Why you don't run this with me? oAo
My super cool CC build and how to use it.