After a recent patch, Active Ultimates no longer reset with stuff like Protector Mastery nor are they affected by specs that reduce AO/AD cooldown.
The justification to this was that Active Ultimates are NOT Active Defense/Offense but rather their own category. One of the characteristics of Active Ultimates is that upon activated they set Active Offenses and Active Defenses on a 90 second cooldown.
HOWEVER, when you activate an Active Offense/Defense, this activates a shared cooldown of 30 seconds with Active Ultimates.
This should not be the case since Active Offense/Defense description reads as follow:
"Activates a shared cooldown on all ACTIVE OFFENSE/DEFENSE"
Which, was already clarified, Active Ultimates are not.
As a result, this is what ends up happening:
1) You activate your AO, your AU goes on a 30 second cooldown
2) You activate your AU, your AO goes back up to 90 second cooldown (from 60 seconds)
3) You activate your AO, your AU still has 60 second of cooldown
4) You activate your AU, your AO goes back up to 90 second cooldown (from 30 seconds)
5) Repeat step 3 and step 4 for the rest of the battle.
OR TL,DR you have an upkeep of 30 second- 90 seconds-60 seconds-90 seconds-60 seconds-90 seconds-etc.
This so long as you don't activate an AD at the wrong time and bump up your AU back to 30 second cooldown
Meanwhile if you opt to go with 2 AOs it goes this way:
1) You activate your 1st AO, your 2nd AO goes on a 30 second cooldown
2) You activate your 2nd AO, your 1st AO is unnafected by shared cooldown cause it's at 60 second
3) You activate your 1st AO, your 2nd AO is unnafected by shared cooldown cause it's at 60 second
4) Repeat 2-3
TL,DR an upkeep of 30 seconds-60 seconds-60 seconds-60 seconds-60 seconds-etc.
You can freely use ADs inbetween.
Change AO/ADs not to trigger a 30 second cooldown on AUs.
AUs already purge AO buffs if you use them immediately after it, the only thing that this enforced cooldown does is discourage the use of ADs
Maybe it's not the case for Master of the Mind (which might need revision), but in the case of Feral Rage, this is too harsh a punishment when combined to the cons it already has (stack purge) just for a 24% damage buff and a small heal (the bleed change is irrelevant since the damage buff applies to Bestial Supernatural set, so you are already applying bleeds to begin with).
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.