With the launch of FoxbatCon and the recent discovery by the devs on how to correctly implement VFX and models for emotes, what current emotes do you see like with what some NPCs use to have as an emote? Or what future things would you want to imagine?
I'll start things off simply by having a Cellphone emote, it's just Talkheadset, but with a cellphone model.
1. Soda can drinking, from the Anniversary soda device.
2. Repair with hammer. (Standing and kneeling)
3. Science RnD with glass canisters.
4. Arms RnD with a rifle.
And some new ones:
1. Reading newspaper
2. Checking social media on phone. (Might as well use the phone model in Atlassarnosian's post)
3. Pointed flashlight (Will require both model and fx)
Also bonus: Juggle emotes with other event themes:
1. (Bloodmoon) Human skulls.
2. (Next Foxbatcon) Black cartoon bombs. (Maybe lit fuses for extra fun?)
3. (Winter Event) Teddybear heads(?)